What is R?

Since R was taught with stat classes, I had originally thought R was a glorified calculator. Surely it can’t beat Python, the de facto programming language of choice for Machine Learning and science in general. That's what I used to think. But the more I learn about R, the more impressed I have become. Many may still view R, especially when used as a Rmd notebook, not as a proper programming language to write code in, but many of the constructs and libraries such as DPLYR, PURRR, data frame, the tilde modelin operator, lends to a functional programming approach that may traditional programmers such as C/++ developers can’t dismiss offhand.

When a hammer is the only tool one has, every problem has to look like a nail. While R may not be the best tool for everything, it is really at home for much data analytics work. Thus, learn how to use a screwdriver, and not every problem has to look like a nail 🙂

Below is a semi-categorized group of functions/programming constructs for doing stat analysis with R. They serve mostly as a cheat-sheet for me to look up for possible functions to use when analyzing data. Example of plots can be seen in this web notebook . For GIS based spatial analytics, my R GIS has some example code from my couple of GIS analysis class, whereas this slide deck has a presentation on converting CSV file with geolocation data into interactive heat map using Mapbox. One can generate web interactive map with next to no programming.

For more structured learning, these resources are recommended:
Stat for Epidemiologist Also, as you do more work in R, like all coding work, having a source control system like GitHub is recommended. My cheat-sheet for github is here

I am dabbling into bioinformatics (again:D), and have some quick notes in sci-app(bioinfo apps) and sci-file#bioinfo (bioinfo related file formats).

R 101

Ref: list of R cheatsheets

R       # interactive cli
Rstudio # gui

# pacman is great for installing libraries automagically when needed
# this clever pacman construct from Dr Jennifer Head of GIS 272a class would check for pacman itself 
package_list = c("ggplot2", "dplyr", "sf", "rgdal", "raster", "here", "scales")
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(package_list, character.only=TRUE)

# run single command in shell
Rscript -e "print(system('hostname'))"   
Rscript -e 'cat( "Hello \n World.  R print() does not take \\n, need to use cat() to parse \\n!" )'

Rscript --quiet -e 'install.packages("pacman",    repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")'    

# run a list (set?) of commands by placing them in {}.  p_load() won't run unless the library is loaded explicity.
Rscript --quiet --no-readline --slave -e '{ library(pacman); p_load( ggplot2, scales ) }'

special symbols

^   power. 2^8 
$   separate table name and column name, eg nhanes$gender, opt$indir
@   subparts of "composite/nested" obj?  eg sp@data = df portion of sp  Spatial Polygon obj from rgdal::readOGR()   # wk1 gis272a   
~   tilde operator, 
-   minus, substraction.  eg a-b . Just-dont-use-it-in-var-name, as it is treated as substraction of each terms listed!  

log(100)           # Think ln() here!  By default, R log has base e!  same as bc's l(), python math.log(), matlab too?    calculator is the only place log is base 10, and use ln for base e??
log(1000, base=10) # this is log with base 10
log(1000, 10)      # same as above
log10(1000)        # ok, it is used often enough they do have a fn name for log base 10!
LN                 # maybe used as LogNormal (distribution)

exp(1)             # expoent of natual log.  same as bc's e(), python math.exp()

log(exp(1))        # identity
exp(log(1))        # identity

# R use log for natural log, but can redefine/alias ln as:
`ln` = log

Note, R doesn't treat dot differently.  it is often used as part of variable name or function name, like chisq.test() or p.hat.
However, neither Python nor bc likes dot in the variable name, so cut-n-paste simple calculator lines with variables with dots in them result in error.  May try to avoid use of dot in variable names for code portability.  (eg pasting from R to jupyther notebook with python kernel)

options(scipen = 999) #turn off scientific notation

See also:
  1. tilde operator and formula is one of the weird thing in R.
  2. model operators (below)
a =  5
a <- 5

# both = and <- can be used for assignment
# But <- is prefered by the R crowd.  it also screw with my html code here, so maybe this R.html should go have been done in .rst ...
# <- create a new object... not sure if = acts differently in subtle cases?  so far have not found any problem. :->

# there are some subtle differences, side effect, formula, etc.
# see https://renkun.me/2014/01/28/difference-between-assignment-operators-in-r/
# overall, for better readability of R code, 
# it was suggested to only use <- for assignment and = for specifying named parameters.
# But I was not convinced and will likely continue to use = 
# at least in this R.html doc.

# shortcut for assignment and print to screen immediately
# but wrapping the assignment in parenthesis.  eg:
( a = abs(-5) )

# in this case, dont have to type "a" at R prompt to find its value

# converting a numeric 1, 2 to categorical male, female, but creating a new col (sec_cat) in existing table (nhanes)

nhanes$sex_cat = ifelse(nhanes$sex==1, "Male", "Female") 

string to integer conversion (search food: casting)
myNumber = strtoi(myString, base = 10)

Comparison, operators
NA        # when logical comparison cannot be done (eg in vector pairwise comparison)

as.integer( T )   # 1
as.integer( F )   # 0
Logical Operator
&	# And
|	# Or
!	# Not
Comparison Operators
"dog"=="cat"      # equality, FALSE in this case
5==5              # equality,  for number or strings
!=                # not equal, for number or strings
%in%              # is value in object (vector/list/table)
week = c( "Mon", "Tue", "Wed" )
"Tue" %in% week   # returns TRUE

 %in%             # in (think math set)
between()         # dplyr
between(Year,2017,2020)         # Year is a column with numeric values, so it is a math <= and >= range

# there is no built-in NOT in operator in R, so define one as (note the use of backtick around whole operator name):
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38351820/negation-of-in-in-r
`%nin%` = Negate(`%in%`)

           7L == as.double(7) # returns TRUE.  ie R will compare numbers across data type in a human desirable way.
as.integer(7) == as.double(7) # returns TRUE, it is same as above.

sqrt(2)^2 == 2                 # FALSE cuz float approx rounding error
dplyr::near( sqrt(2)^2, 2  )   # TRUE, has built-in tolerance

matrix1 == matrix2  	# is an element wise comparison, returning another matrix.  Somewhat unexpected!
c(1,2,3) == c(4,2,3)	# vector, list comparisons are also elementwise, it is said to be useful in the R world.

# cannot add two strings, to concat them, need to use concat fn.  eg stringr::str_c
beastTreeFilePath = str_c( beastTreeFileDir, beastTreeFileName )
# above works for data frames.
# there is a sprintf for simple string joining, see below.

Tips and Tricks for frequent R user
# this tip from Dr Jennifer Head of GIS 272a class
# kinda like the equivalent of pushd of bash...

The `here` package creates paths relative to the top-level directory. 
The package displays the top-level of the current project on load or any time you call `here()`. 
The function `i_am()` can be called at the top of the R script to set up the project root correctly. 
You can then build paths relative to the top-level directory in order to read or write a file.


R 102... R stranger things...

?"%*%"  # get help on topic, quote it if it has "funny" symbols

%>% 	# like unix pipe, pass data from one fn to the next.  can be chained.   library(dplyr)

%$%	# mostly as shortcut to refer to $colName of a data.frame.  see stat241_ccc.Rmd wk6.  library(magrittr)

%<-%    ## %<-% allow for assigning multiple things at the same time!  ## library(zeallot) ## stat241_Lect13.Rmd
	## eg Extracting Coefficients
	c(b0,b) %<-% coef(glm_model)
	## equivalent to
	b0 = as.numeric( glm_model$coefficients[1] )
	b1 = as.numeric( glm_model$coefficients[2] )

%->%	# %->% assign result from say a long dplyr pipe into variable.  also from library(zeallot)  eg:
  	c(mean(Y1_hat), mean(Y0_hat)) %->%  
  	c(mu1, mu0)

%in%	# membership evaluation (may not need to be a true math set)

%*% # matrix multiply
%/% # ?? partitioning data into partition for shipping to different nodes 

%:% # compose or nest foreach objects - https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/84

%%  # modulus, ie reminder.  eg 7%%3 is 1

\() is just a shorcut to say "function()"
\(x) would be "function(x)" ie with single argument.  R is becoming a more cryptic Perl! 

R Stuff that is weird

aka: stuff that might bite you in the @$$ :-\
for-loop is uncommon in R.
sapply() may do most of the things a for loop would, 
but there is no way to specify the variable name.

but for-loop has optimization, side-effect only may not be executed by R?
eg need the following construct to work (coming from say python/C world of thinking):

for( i in colnames(df) ) {
  x = sum( is.na( df[i] ) )
  msg = sprintf( "column %s has %d NAs", i, x )
  print( msg )

## the for loop optimization in R is skipping execution for things that only produce "side effects"
## sum( is.na( df[i] ))   by itself produce no output inside a for loop
## ditto, sprintf() produce no output
## thankfully print() does!

## i wish could have used sapply for above, but no way to stand in for "i" in the is.na(df[i])

sapply( df, is.na )   # apply is.na for each cell of df, not a column

total_na_count = sum( sapply( df, is.na ) )	# but no easy way to do per column count of na using sapply (??)

careful with %>% , especially when chaining...
%>% is awsome, like unix pipe, but sequentially chaining them have to pay attention to nuances.
if involving the same variable, may not be updated...
don't specify the df (table) name again, 
this below is BAD!

df_step2 = df %>%
  mutate( state = str_remove_all( df$state, "[^[:alpha:]]" ) ) %>%   # remove space and _
  mutate( state = str_to_upper( df$state ) )                   %>%   # convert state to upper case
  mutate( orientation = na_if( df$orientation, -999 ))         %>%
  mutate( orientation = na_if( df$orientation, -1   ))               # BAD! previous step overwritten, df$ has orig value!

## if not creating new column, no need for mutate()
## replacing them "in-place" has a cleaner syntax :D
df$gender = na_if( df$gender, -999 )
df$gender = na_if( df$gender, -1 )

## but if creating new column, or really want to use mutate, then be sure NOT to specify the df name, just column name, ie
## do this instead, then work as desired:

df_step2 = df %>%
  mutate( state = str_remove_all( state, "[^[:alpha:]]" ) ) %>%   # df$ not used
  mutate( state = str_to_upper( state ) )                   %>%   # just use the colunm name, then chaining works 
  mutate( orientation = na_if( orientation, -999 ))         %>%
  mutate( orientation = na_if( orientation, -1   ))               # this chaining step works.

df2 = df %>% select( 1:10 ) %>% mutate( newColName = str_match( .[[10]] , "([:digit:]+\\.*[:digit:]*)")[,1] ) 
# select( 1:10 ) pick column index position 1 thru 10
# .[[10]] is for column number 10.  column name would work, but otherwise the first arg for str_match() is a string instead of a column identifier

# ie .[[x]] pick column index number x (tibble thing?)  

... dot dot dot

X = function() {
    c(X = rnorm(1))

sample = function(dist, n, ...) {
  map_df(1:n, function(i) dist(...))

X %>% sample(10) 

The ... maybe a tidyverse pipe operator thing?
X get applied as "dist"? which us rnorm()

. dot
# single dot . as stand-in, place holder for variable, column (vector) ... tidyverse thing?
# also used at time in select(.,  MY_COL_NAMES )   # ref guat_amr_analy.Rmd
count( abricate_joined_sum_df %>% select( matches( "fyuA:" ) ) %>% filter( . >=1 ) )  # dot . is the var to stand in the column selected.  what if there are multiple columns?

R Shorthands
logistic = \(x) { 1/(1+exp(-x)) }
logistic = \(x)   1/(1+exp(-x))
\() is a shortcut for function()
if there is only a single statement after the function() declaration, it doesn't need to be enclosed by {}

btw, R has plogis() 

R, Try before S :-P

Jupyter Notebook with R kernel Container

singularity pull shub://tin6150/DIOS_demonstration
singularity exec DIOS_demonstration_latest.sif /opt/conda/bin/jupyter lab --allow-root


podman run  -it --entrypoint=/opt/conda/bin/jupyter  tin6150/r4envids lab --allow-root

Jupyter Notebook IR Kernel Setup

conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab

IRkernel is R kernel for Jupyther Notebook.  Need to install as R package, then add kernel spec to Jupyter Notebook:

Rscript -e "install.packages('IRkernel')"

# run multiple commands in Rscript by placing them inside {}, cmd separated by ;
Rscript --quiet --no-readline --slave -e '{ print("Hello") ; print("hi") }'
# p_load requires library(pacman) to be run first, so, try like this:
Rscript --quiet --no-readline --slave -e '{library(pacman) ; p_load( ggplot2, scales ) ;  print("Hello") ; print("hi") }'

# system wide
IRkernel::installspec(user = FALSE)

# per user
Rscript --no-readline --slave -e "IRkernel::installspec(user = TRUE)"

/home/tin/anaconda3/bin/jupyter lab 
# expect to have browser launched with URL http://localhost:8888/lab
# then click icon to create new R notebook


setenv R_LIBS /path/to/user/R-libraries

# setting R_LIBS will change both where R looks for lib to load and when installing libs 

library( rJava );	# see if it can load the R library named rJava (case sensitive)

listing all installed libraries:
Rscript -e 'library()' 

sI = sessionInfo()

system('env')	# this is running the env command via the shell and display that info
system('id -a; hostname')

Sys.getenv()  # R command to read system's environment variable
Sys.setenv()  # set

Sys.setenv( buffered = "no" )  # set env var, this one for Rstudio, seems to affect linux cli R as well. See 

For list of environment var that affect's R's behavior, such as LC_ALL, R_BATCH :
Have not been able to find way to turn off buffered output ...
Not sure what's the equivalent of "PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1"

# in jupyter notebook, the system() command output to console 
# use combination of intern=TRUE and wrap with print() just to be sure
print(system( 'uptime', intern=TRUE ))  

fread( "cat /proc/loadavg", check.names=TRUE ) ## run system command and read result into data.frame


# the option 'style' conflicts when both plot_ly and XXX libraries are loaded
# unload the library with:
detach("package:plotly", unload=TRUE)

Setting dir for user package install

setting user's own library install dir.
for installing CRAN libraries...

You can have a R_LIBS under your home dir.  
If you setup R_LIBS to be a shared folder, then your student can use the same library that you (or I, not as root) install.  

mkdir -p  ~/rlibs36
export R_LIBS=~/rlibs36    (or R_LIBS=/global/home/groups/ac_seasonal/rlibs36 )
I am assuming this for a new R 3.6, are libraries compatible with old version? For Perl I keep them in separate directories; python is a different beast)

# setting R_LIBS will change both where R looks for lib to load and when installing libs 

Running this as user should install a package called diagram:
    Rscript --quiet -e 'install.packages("diagram",    repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")'    

after install, you should see files added to ~/rlibs36

If the above don't work,
start interactive R as user

this page has a good write up about this issue:

Installing packages

installing packages from cran:
(see r4eta or metabolics container)

scripted to run from shell:

Rscript --quiet -e 'install.packages("ggplot2",  repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")'    
Rscript --quiet -e 'install.packages(c("aCRM", "akima", "broom", "cluster", "clusterCrit"), repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")'

# do NOT have TAB(s) inside the arg list for packages(...), as Rscript can't tolerate it when invoked from a bash script.

Rscript --quiet --no-readline --slave ...
	# --quiet is same as --silent 
	# --slave was to make R run as quietly as possible 
	# --no-readline hopefully do less drawing on screen and make install log more readable...
	# there isn't a --no-verbose or --no-interactive

install many packages in single command:

install.packages(c("EIAdata", "gdata", "ggmap", "ggplot2")) # rest omitted

have not tried yet:
install.r EIAdata gdata ggmap ggplot2    # rest omitted again

Defining Function

(PHW251 bonus problem set)
return_even = function(x){
  if (x %% 2 == 0) {
    return("I'm an even number!")

x = 4
return_even( x )
dot-dot-dot in R fn, fn( ... ), see ch19.5.3 of R4DS
When writting pipeable fn, need to worry about transformations vs side-effects. See ch 19.6.2 of R4DS
function that can be used in df %>% mutate() ... ie pipeable...
7 * c(2,3)                   # return a list
7 * as.data.frame( c(2, 3) ) # return a df

the math fn in R are "overloaded" to handle various data types natively... 
fn to do the same need to ??

even logical operators like == and >= would work on list, they return list of logical comparison.

Subtle things to keep in mind when defining functions in R:
Lesson learned from PHW251 Bonus Problem Set under Q4:
IF-statement can't handle list...

# when used with mutate, R give this a whole vector
# not element-wise with value from each cell
# thus if-statment cannot be used
# need a vector ready if_else
# and dont use a RETURN clause with if_else!   ***
# Avoid R-base ifelse(), it is less strict and may compute incorrect/unexpected result. 
# xref: df_Taiwan in (it points to Sn50_note branch)
# https://github.com/tin6150/PHW251_Fall2022/blob/Sn50_note/problem%20sets/problem%20set%20bonus/problem_set_bonus_beforeCleanUp_lotsOfDetailsOfSubtleVectorization.Rmd

CSV example

Simple example reading csv file and getting summary info about it. Utilizes magrittr from dplyr, which allow unix pipe-like operation using %>%
library( 'magrittr')
data <- read.csv("/mnt/CSV_adjoin/dacsjvnew_AVOC_07_All_Sp.csv")
data %>% head() # like unix cat data | head
# print(data)   # maybe big
data %>% summary()  # summary stat for each column of data, eg min,median,quartilers

str( data ) # see list of variables (column headers) 
glimse( data )  # tidyverse?

typeof( df )		# this will just return list
typeof( df$colname ) 	# this can determin data type of a specified col in a df.
sapply( df, typeof ) 	# sequentially apply the typeof fn to the expansion of df


capabilities() 		# see if support X11, etc
source("myFuncList.R")	# import function list from file

system("id;pwd")	# run OS commands
setwd("dirname")	# cd to dirname, most useful in interactive R session.

# loading files in Rstudio 

spatial_paths = loadPaths(fileName = normalizePath("C:/Users/tin61/tin-gh-inet-class-only/inet-dev-class/epi_info/travHistProtocol/files/Protocol4/EPI_ISL_412975_MJhist.csv") )

# note that in windoze, C: is assumed and added by system at run time if not specified

# these might be helpful with knitting

# Use the knitr root.dir option in the setup chunk to change the working directory for notebook chunks.
knitr::opts_chunk$set(root.dir = normalizePath("/Users/tin61/tin-gh-inet-class-only/inet-dev-class/epi_info/travHistProtocol/files/Protocol4/"))

.libPaths()		# list path used to scan for R libs 
.libPaths(  c( ./libPaths(), '/home/tin/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4' ) )   # add path to library 

rm(list=ls())  		# remove all var in memory

Oracle connection

# The TNS_ADMIN may not matter if ORACLE_HOME has a network/admin with working conf for tns name resolution.
# ORACLE_SID is very important!  if set, the instance specifier in the dbConnect will be ignored, and db always connect to instance specified by ORACLE_SID !!

library( 'ROracle' )

# verify connected to desired db)

result=dbGetQuery(con, "select * from tab")
# perform SQL query

# see result of query (display content of variable)

result2=dbListTables( con )
# see list of tables for the connected schema

GC: Garbage Collection

gc(verbose=TRUE) 	# explicitly call garbage collection
ls() 			# list all vars
object.size( get("myData") )	
rm(list=ls())  		# remove all var in memory # probably useful in rstudio when playing, but not in actual program!
sort( sapply( ls(), function(x) { object.size(get(x))} ),decreasing=TRUE )	# list all vars and their sizes

vars are out of scope at the end of function, and gc can happen to them automatically

bigmemory leave data on file.  some packages are build using bigmemory

file-backed big matrix -- https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/132 
data = read.big.matrix(...)

csv is slow.
HDF5 and netCDF recommended. 

ref: https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/111

R Programming

R short primer (pdf) (page 12)

• function(arglist){expr}: 
function definition: do expr with list of arguments arglist

• if(cond){expr1}else{expr2}: if-statement:
if cond is true, then expr1, else expr2

if( cond ) {
} else if( cond | another_cond ) {
} else if( cond & another_cond ) {
} else {
print( "this is outside the if_statement_block" )

# there is an elseif ...

# note that if( height > 9 )  only handle scalars!
# if the var could be vectorized, eg for use with df %>% mutate()
# need to use ifelse( cond, true-case, false-case )
# the dplyr if_else(...) version is stricter, but didnt work out for me to compare vectorVar > scalar 

• for(var in vec) {expr}: 
for-loop: the counter var runs through the vector vec 
and does expr each run

vec = 1:5
print(vec)    # whole vector, 1 object

for( i in vec ) {
  print( i )      # break vector into individual elements, result in 5 objects

• while(cond){expr}: while-loop: while cond is
true, do expr each run

while( i <= 3 ) {
  print( i )
  i = i + 1     # no i++ :->

• x[n]: the n-th element   # R index starts at 1
• x[m:n]: the m-th to n-th element
• x[c(k,m,n)]: specific elements
• x[x>m & x<n]: elements between m and n

• x$n: element of list or data.frame named n.  ie, x is a data.frame, n is the column name

• x[["n"]]: idem		# [[ ]] in R ... 

• [i,j]: element at i-th row and jth column
• [i, ]: row i

• return: show variable on the screen (used in functions)

• as.numeric or as.character: change class to
number or character string

• strptime: change class from character to
date-time (POSIX)

• data types: 
lgl (logical: TRUE FALSE; T F are auto parsed as well, but NOT True False),   TRUE==T returns TRUE
int (Integer),   eg 7L is to explicitly say integer 7.  as.integer(7)
dbl (Double),    what R reports as "num" is internally a double.   7L == as.double(7) returns TRUE
chr (characters, for strings), 
bytes (bytes!)  
ref: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/readxl/vignettes/cell-and-column-types.html

list, vector (which is a simple list)

%*% # matrix multiply

%%  # modulus, ie reminder.  eg 7%%3 is 1

2^4 and 2**4 both seems to be power, get 16.  2^4 notation maybe preferred.

Definiting a function called "comma" (not std in R), so that it format numbers as human readable
ref: https://r4ds.had.co.nz/r-markdown.html#caching

comma = function(x) format(x, digits = 2, big.mark = ",")

comma(.12358124331) #  [1] "0.12"
comma(9234567)      #  [1] "9,234,567"
comma(12345678) # pff, 8 digit still print as 1.2e+07 WTH!

R stuff - NA : Not Available data
Basic data types
numbers, don't check for them using ==, but instead use fn:
 Inf	Infinity          eg  1/0  is.infinite(x)   is.finite(x)
-Inf	negative infinity eg -1/0  
 NaN 	Not a Number      eg  0/0  is.nan(x)  eg2 sqrt(-1)
 NULL	undefined                  is.null(x)

 NULL and NA are not the same thing

what is NA:
- NaN               but there are caviats, see myMessyVect3 below
what is not NA:
- Inf, -Inf

Boolean: TRUE (T), FALSE (F), NA
  use is.na() to check for NA (when logical comparison fails)

NA = Not A Number - logical vector of a length 1 and applies to numerical values only (not integer)
NA is the token to indicate a value that is not availabe.  Kinda like UNDEF.  
It is not a string, and it is not NULL.
It is spelled exactly as NA , both caps.

> foo=NA
> foo
[1] NA
> bar=na
Error: object 'na' not found

•  is.na():   test if variable is NA
• !is.na():   use this to check NOT NA.  ## is.nan() check for Not A Number, not same thing as missing value!

each type of atomic vector has its own missing value:
NA		# logical 
NA_real_	# double
NA_character_ 	# character/string

R by default will not compute on dataset that contain NA.
If you don’t mind about the missing data and
want to compute the statistics anyway, you can
add the argument na.rm=TRUE 
(Should I remove the NAs? Yes!).

> max(j, na.rm=TRUE)
[1] 2

x = NA
x==NA      	# result in NA, any computation with NA results in NA in R
is.na(x)   	# return TRUE
identical(x,NA)	# this also return TRUE
is.nan(x)	# FALSE, ie NA is not consider NaN

e = sqrt(-1)
is.na(e)	# TRUE ie NaN is considered NA
		# maybe think of NA as superset encompassing NaN
NULL is somewhat strange in R. some of the behavior is likely for graceful handling/combination of vectors with NULL in them.
n = NULL
m = n + 10	# this is NOT invalid operation!
m		# get numeric(0)
is.na(NULL)	# get logical(0)

Vector, elements, can be erased by assigning it as NULL. eg

> myMessyVect = c("apple", "banana", "cambur")    # this is a character vector (not list), character means string in R
> str(myMessyVect)
 chr [1:3] "apple" "banana" "cambur"
> myMessyVect = c("apple", NULL, "cambur")
> str(myMessyVect)
 chr [1:2] "apple" "cambur"

# note that NULL get dropped, no space preservation/hogging

> myMessyVect3 = c("apple", NULL, 30, NA, 50, sqrt(-1), NA )
> str(myMessyVect3)
chr [1:6] "apple" "30" NA "50" "NaN" NA
> length(myMessyVect3)
# Overall, note that while NULL got dropped, NA and NaN get a place holder, 
# there are 6 elements in the vector (NOT 7!)

> which(is.na(myMessyVect3))          
[1] 3 6                                      # identify elements index in the vector that is NA
> is.na(myMessyVect3)                        # results is a vector, an element comparison of whether each element is NA

> is.nan(myMessyVect3)				# however, is.nan() does not match the sqrt(-1) element
[1] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE		# some strange way in how R compare NaN ??

> sum(is.na(myMessyVect3))			# this count number of NA in a vector
[1] 2
> sum(is.nan(myMessyVect3))			# again, NaN comparison did not work as hoped and result in a count of 0
[1] 0

myNoNaVect = myMessyVect3[ !is.na(myMessyVect3) ]
# this drops the NA, but preserve the NaN
# Null never got stored to begin with in myMessyVect3

mean( myMessyVect3 )		# this still does NOT work, cuz any manip with NaN result in NaN.
# how to clean NaN?   hopefully hardly ever need to do this...

mean( myMessyVect3, na.rm=TRUE )	# still DONT work, so much about is.NaN is.NA =\

Finding Missing Data
Tricks to help data inspection to see if there are missing data, outliers, stuff that fails "validation".
(PHW251 wk8)
summary(  as_date( df$dateCol ) ) 		# displays Mean,Median,IQR and Num of NA for a date column
						# useful to find outliers and NA
						# operate on any vector of data, including dates.

sum( is.na( df$colName ) )			# count total number of NA in a column (ie operate on a vector)

table( df$colName, useNA="always" )		# a freq table tallying each occurance of a value and how many times it appears
table( df$colName, useNA="ifany" )		# useNA="ifany" will omit NA count result if there are NO NA.

ggplot(data=df, mapping=aes( x=colName )) + geom_bar()   # bar graph version of table() eg above

table( df$col1, df$col2, useNA="ifany" )	# produce a 2x2 freq table of freq/count based on the 2 vars (col names)

ggplot(data=df, mapping=aes( x=col1, y=col2 )) + geom_count() + xlim(0,70)  # XY scatter plot with count size for 2D table() eg above

Handling Missing Data
na.rm=T   # many function take this as option to drop entries with missing data, ie, where data is "na"
nhanes = read_csv("nhanes.csv")  # library(readr)
nhanes = na.omit( nhanes )       # remove row that has missing values.

testing = readxl::read_excel(
  na="NA"				# this at least parse numeric col correctly, no more string, and mark NA

# drop rows with missing values
df %>% drop_na( colName ) 			# evaluate colName, if NA, drop such row
df %>% drop_na( c(col1,col2) ) 			# use c() to give a list of column names
df %>% tidyr::drop_na( ) 			# if no colName specified, evaluate ALL cols, if NA in any, drop such row

df %>% filter( !is.na( colName ) )		# there is no is.nna(), so negate is.na()
df %>% filter(  is.na( colName ) )		# this pick rows where colName is NA

# filter (keep/grep) rows meeting some logical comparisons, eg within a given date range
df %>% 
filter( coll_date >= as_date( "2020-08-01" ) &
        coll_date <= as_date( "2020-08-31" )

use if_else(), case_when() or recode() to locate and handle NA

recode eg below does (PHW251 wk8 correction.Rmd reader p94):
- replace (string?) Grp1 with "San Diego"
-                   Grp2 with "Los Angeles"
- `Grp1` can be replaced with "Grp1".  R handle 3 types of quotes?  " ' and ` 
  `` vs "" is useful to have `LHS`="RHS" to help with readability
mutate(group = recode(group, `Grp1`="San Diego", `Grp2`="Los Angeles"))

grepl -- this is very much like unix grep !
(PHW251 wk8 correction.Rmd reader p101):

egrep for "1" or "one", case insensitive, in the col named "group", and replace with string "San Diego"
~ is the "map to" replacement action

  mutate(group_cat = case_when(
    grepl( "1|one", group, ignore.case=TRUE)    ~  "San Diego",
    grepl( "2|two", group, ignore.case=TRUE)    ~  "Los Angeles",
    TRUE ~ NA_character_    # map everything else to NA, but need to be specific as mutate expect char
  )) %>%
  drop_na(group_cat)        # drop NA
mutate(  colName = na_if( colName, Inf ) )	# here, if Inf appears in a cell at colName, replace Inf to NA
mutate(  colName = na_if( colValid, False ))	# colValid is a pre-computed col indicating if some condition is met, eg cont <= max , if FALSE, replace value as NA  #>


replace_na( list( var=value ) )
replace_na( list( var1=value1, var2=value2 ) )

mutate( ST = replace_na( as.numeric(SeqType), 0 ) )	# as part of df... parse text to number, replace NA with 0

#### picking a row by id:
row_number()==23	# select row 23  # though I don't like this approach, what if data get resorted?!
R stuff - stat stuff

• model = lm( y ∼ x ): linear regression modeling
• model = lm( v1∼v2 ): linear fit (regression line) between vector v1 on the y-axis and v2 on the x-axis
• y.hat = predict( model, data )       # predict.lm
  y.hat = estimates predicted using the lm model, data would be a df 

lm( Y ~ A + X1 + X2 ) # use + to separate terms of covariates, not comma!
lm( Y ~ A*X )         # use * to say the two terms interact
lm( Y ~ A + I(X^2) )  # need to wrap X^2 with the I() thing, it is NOT identity fn, just think of it as some R quirkyness!

lin_model    =  lm( Y ~ X, data )	            # linear   regression Lect 11 stat241
lg_reg_model = glm( Y ~ X, data, family=binomial )  # logistic regression Lect 13 stat241

• nls(v1∼a+b*v2, start=ls(a=1,b=0)): nonlinear fit. 
Should contain equation with variables
(here v1 and v2 and parameters (here a and b)
with starting values

• coef: returns coefficients from a fit
• summary: returns all results from a fit

• sum: sum of a vector
• mean: mean of a vector
• sd: standard deviation of a vector

• aggregate(x,by=ls(y),FUN="mean"): split
data set x into subsets (defined by y) and computes means of the subsets.
Result: a new vector.

• approx: interpolate. Argument: vector with NAs. 
Result: vector without NAs.

stat functions
- "UNM Stat 5101"
- CDF and PPF in Excel, R and Python (good graphical guide covering what the p, q, d, r functions cover.)
- SciPy stats function

prefix: p, q, d, r ::

pClass( q=…, mean=…, sd=…, lower.tail=T )
p for "probability", the cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.)
	return the AUC for X≤x,  ie the probability  (when lower.tail=TRUE)
     	return the p-value                           (when lower.tail=FALSE)

	F(x) = P(X ≤  x)
   	Answer What is  P(X < 27.4) when X has Normal distribution with mean 50 and standard deviation of 20 aka N(50,20).  N often styled as cursive cap N.
   	if variance (σ) is given, use the relation s.d. = sqrt(sigma) 
   	pnorm( q=27.4, mean=50, sd=20, lower.tail=TRUE )
	pnorm( 27.4, 50, 20 )
   	In R, optional param default to mean=0, sd=1, lower.tail=TRUE.
   	Python: scipy.stats.norm.cdf( 27.4, loc=50, scale=20 )
   	Excel:  norm.dist( 27.4, 50, 20, TRUE ) 

	For calculation of the p-value in a right tailed test for a given z-score:
   	1 - pnorm( 27.4, 50, 20 )
   	pnorm(27.4, 50, 20, lower.tail=FALSE )  # lower.tail=FALSE -> upper/right tail
	1 - scipy.stats.norm.cdf( 27.4, 50, 20 )
	scipy.stats.norm.sf( 27.4, 50, 20 )     # sf = 1 - cdf

qClass( p=…, lambda=…, lower.tail=T )
q- for "quantile", the inverse c.d.f. - aka PPF(q) for probability ( 1 - α )
	Have AUC (ie probability or p-value, typically alpha=0.05), get value of x (aka q, quantile)
   	p = F(x)
	x = F-inv(p)
   	F-inv is styled as F^-1.
   	So given a number p between zero and one, qnorm looks up the p-th quantile of the normal distribution.
   	Answer What is F-inv(0.95) when X has the N(100, 15^2) distribution?
   	qnorm(0.95, 100, 15)
   	qnorm(p=0.95, mean=100, sd=15, lower.tail=TRUE)
   	qnorm(0.05, mean=100, sd=15, lower.tail=FALSE)   # from the relation (1-alpha) + alpha = 1, here alpha=0.95
   	Python: scipy.stats.norm.ppf( 0.95, loc=100, scale=15 )
   	Excel: norm.inv( 0.95, 100, 15 ) .  Excel has a norm.s.inv(0.05), but only take mean=0 sd=1.

dClass( x=…, size=…, prob=… )
d- for "density", the density function (p.f. or p.d.f.)
	or more often discrete?  eg dbinom, dpois

r- for "random", a random variable having the specified distribution
	Generating random numbers from a standard normal distribution
	N(mu=0,sigma=1)  # N cursive, mu=mean of 0, sigma=standard deviation of 1
	rnorm(n=1, mean=0, sd=1 )
	Python: scipy.stats.norm.rvs( loc=0, scale=1, size=1, random_state=123 ) # random_state is optional, use seed for repeatable/determinsistic result
	If n or size > 1 get a vector.
	Excel:  norm.s.inv( rand() )

[d- and p- are typically grouped as they are often for discrte vs continuous dist, ie X=exact vs X≤up-to a specific value ]
for [dp]binom, at lowest range interval of 0, dbionom(0,…) == pbinom(0,…)

pnorm,  qnorm,  dnorm,  and rnorm.  are the p-, q-, d-, r- fn for Normal Distribution.  

pbinom  qbinom  dbinom  rbinom - for binomial distribution
pchisq	qchisq	dchisq	rchisq - for Chi-Square   scipy.stats.chi2.cdf() etc
pexp	qexp	dexp	rexp   - for Exponential
plogis	qlogis	dlogis	rlogis - for Logistic
plnorm	qlnorm	dlnorm	rlnorm - for Log Normal
ppois	qpois	dpois	rpois  - for Poisson
pt	qt	dt	rt     - for Student t    scipy.stats.t.cdf() etc
punif	qunif	dunif	runif  - for Uniform

Note that for continuous distribution, some of these fn are defined using integrals, and R doesnt do integrations!

All function take option mean and standard deviation.  If omitted, default mean=0, sd=1.  

pnorm(27.4, mean=50, sd=20)
pnorm(27.4, 50, 20)

The Statistics Theme Park "Ride the Distributions!
Source: Loony Labs - Day 45 or Claudia @ Eigenblogger

computing on dates/time
From: PHW251 week 2 git repo by David and Lauren
# another method of determining days between two dates, but also the option for other measures
as.numeric(difftime(Sys.Date(), as.Date("2020-09-03"), units = "days"))
as.numeric(difftime(Sys.Date(), as.Date("2020-09-03"), units = "hours"))

# If you need to extract a date part out of a date object:
test = as_date("1999-04-02")
day(test)	## extract the day, 2 in this example
month(test)	## extra month, return an number (double): 4

# day of the week
wday(test, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE)

# day of the year (julian day) ## Factor - Levels: Sun < Mon < Tue < Wed < Thu < Fri < Sat   #

# key time measure for public health built into lubridate!  ## 53 weeks in a year

data type conversion

aka cohersion, type casting

num1=8L; str(num1)    # int
num2=8;  str(num2)    # num (ie double)

num3=as.double(8) ; str(num3)   # int
num4=as.integer(8); str(num4)   # num

(as.character(1:4))   # get [1] "1" "2" "3" "4"

as_date( "2020-08-01" )		# ?tidyverse date fn?

# manipulating date, internally stored as number (double)
# time, internally stored as number of seconds since unix epoch
sn50dob = as.Date("1970-01-01")	# this is the unix epoch which R also use
sn50dob %>% as.integer()	# return 0 :D

sn51dob = as.Date( "12/25/1969", "%m/%d/%Y" )	# specify format unless it is YYYY-mm-dd
as.integer(sn51dob)		# return -7, dates before epoch stored as -ve

library(lubridate)		# from tidyverse, but need explicit loading
lubridate::as_date(18239)	# get 2019-12-09

sn50dob + months(6) + 28	# months() do what's expected.  no years() ?

( Sys.Date() )			# get current date
with_tz(Sys.time(), tzone = "America/Los_Angeles")

# add a DATE_FIX column by parsing a variety of date input
placebo_df = placebo_df %>%
  mutate( DATE_FIX = parse_date_time( DATE, c("mdy","dmy") ) )

# get last date of the month
# essentially, increment to next month, 
# substract 1 day by using %m-% days(1)
ceiling_date( as_date( "2020-02-01", "month" ) %m-% days(1)  

as.character(var)   	# character in R means strings, not single ascii char byte.

colnames_vfdb = tibble( colnames( vfdb_sum_tsv )  )
str( colnames_vfdb[[1]] ) # char (ie string array), as needed for arg of pivot_longer

# string change case
str_to_upper(var)	# var could be vector, so usable inside a mutate()

round( x*100, 2)	# round to 2 digits, here used arithmatic expression, as in convert num to percent

testing data types

myVector = 1:5		# create a vector using the sequence operator (:)

String manipulations

aString="this is a string"
start_position = 1  # R index start from 1
end_position   = 4
substr(aString,  start_position, end_position)  # result is "this"

str_sub(aString, start_position, end_position)  # same as above, in tidyverse's stringr str_ fn family 
str_sub(aString,   14                        )  # no end position, match till end.  this result in ing

# substitution, think unix s/patter/replace/g
gsub(pattern,replace, aString)  # result is "that is a string"

# convert a column of human dollar formatted data eg  $1,234.56 to numeric
funding_data = funding_data %>% 
  mutate(Numeric_Cost = as.numeric(
    gsub( '[$,]', '', funding_data[["Total Costs of OSHPD Projects"]] ) 

# filter rows when col has exactly some string:
taxaSubset = c( "goo", "gui", "qua", "rab", "she"  )
wgs_with_loc_subset = wgs_with_loc %>%
  filter( taxa_name %in% taxaSubset )

# filter rows when col has substring pattern -- use grepl  ## make_metadata4phylo.Rmd
taxaSubsetRE = "goo|gui|qua|rab|she"
wgs_with_loc_subset = wgs_with_loc %>%
  filter( grepl(taxaSubsetRE, taxa_name ) )

tidyverse Stringr vs native
Aside from a consisten family of functions, stringr interface with C lib and thus is noticeably faster when manipulating large data set.
library(stringr)      # tidyverse package
str_to_upper(aString) # same as toupper(aString)
str_to_title(aString) # result in "This Is A String"

word_bag = c("apple", "mango", "pineapple")		# word_bag is a list
str_detect( word_bag, "ap")  # get T F T (ie a vector of boolean)

str_detect( word_bag, "a|e")  # search by regular expression syntax: a or e

str_detect(word_bag, regex("APP", ignore_case=T) )	# case insensitive search, 
# PATTERN need to spell out use of regex() fn, or coll(), fixed() dealing with end of line boundaries

word_bag[ str_detect(word_bag, "ap") ]  	# return a list with matching elements from original list instead of vector of boolean

# construct a new dataframe col called "fav", populated conditionally using ifelse() whether `e` appears on the fruit name:
fruit_df =  data.frame( fruit_name = word_bag )
fruit_df$fav =  ifelse(
			str_detect( fruit_df$fruit_name, "e") == T, 

matching |
The pipe symbols is special, cuz regex use it to mean OR.
So, to match a literal | in a string, need to escape it (in R) with forward slash! ie: /|
for	    use
|	      /|
/	      //
.       \\.      # literal period
!       \\!
?       \\?
\\      \\\\
(       \\()
)       \\)
\t      \\t      # tab
\n      \\n      # newline
\d      \\d      # :digits:

[[:ASCII:]]		# ascii chars (7 bit?, ie the 127 chars set)
[^[:digit:]]		# everything but numerals  ^ means complement in reqgex, 

\0 				NULL
\nnn				octal code char, 1-3 digits
\xnn				hex   code char, 1-2 digits
\unnn		\u{nnnn}	unicode char, 1-4 digits
\unnnnnnn	\u{nnnnnnnn}	unicode char, 1-8 digits

r"(...)"			C++ syntax also usable (mostly)

use ?"'" to see list of escape for quotes, non print and unicode sequences.

R allows quotes with:
""		# 
``		# backticks is (?preferred), essential when used in formula

# a variable with space in it need to be enclosed in backticks!
`x y` = 3

# more likely, as column names in df from read_csv or the like
d =  data.frame(`1st column`=3, check.names=FALSE)
d$`1st column`

# escape \" to treat it as literal, rather than as end of quote marker
# R does not use paired quoting eg `string'
identical('"It\'s alive!", he screamed.',
          "\"It's alive!\", he screamed.") # same

odd_list =  c("2394|Yes", "129390|No", "1986602|Sometimes", "99854229|Disagree", "12|Carrots")
str_locate(odd_list, "[/|]")
# locate the char index where the | pipe symbol is located in the string

# pulls out only the starting location
str_locate(odd_list, "[/|]")[,1]		# PHW251 wk8 stringer_toolbox.nb.Rmd
replacing string, instead of gsub() ...

# replace all space with underscore:
str_replace_all("Lab test Result COLUMN", " ", "_")

# replace multiple chars: space and hash,  with empty, ie remove them
str_replace_all("Lab test Result COLUMN#5", "[ |#]", "")

"[[:punct:]]|[[:alpha:]]"	# all punctiation symbols or alpha characters

^ means complement in reqgex, 

str_remove_all( data, "[^[:digit:]]" )		# remove everything but digits
str_remove_all( data, "[^[:ASCII:]]" )		# everything but ascii chars (7 bit?, ie the 127 chars set)


R Data Structure

Ref: Adv R Data Structure

vector: homegenoeus   elements.  c()     -- a simple list
list:   heterogeneous elements.  list()

matrix:     homegenoeus elements.  matrix()
dataframe:  heterogeneous elements, named columns. think table of data/spreadsheet :-D.  data.frame(), tidyverse

3D, multi-dimention:
array:     homogeneous elements.  1-indexed.  array(), dim()


factor() to store categorical data -- ie predefined values.
    Stored as int, displays as char with fixed order (eg ggplot displays data according to order defined by Factor).  
    (? think Pascal's enum data structure for named element)
    characters are unicode in R, so each char takes 2 bytes.
    Factor is integer, take 4 bytes.  Recent RStudio converts to Factor automagically.

# PHW251 wk2 reader p42
# creating Factor, by letting R find out what is unique and define levels automatically:
f1 = factor( c("apple", "orange", "apricot", "apple"))  

f2 = factor( c("apple", "orange", "apricot", "apple"), levels = c("apple","orange")  )
# For f2, explicitly code what levels is allowed for FACTOR, note result below, including NA for non matchable
# this will help tremendously in identifying data join problems.
[1] apple  orange {NA}   apple 
Levels: apple orange

myList1 = c( "low", "low", "high", "High" )
myList2 = c( 1,3,4,2,1,1,5 ) 
factor(myList1,  ordered=T, levels=c( "low", "middle", "high" ) )
factor(myList1,  ordered=T, levels=c( "low", "middle", "high" ), labels=c( "l","m","h") )
factor(myList2,  ordered=T, levels=c( 1,2,3 ) )
factor(myList2,  ordered=T, levels=c( 1,2,3 ), labels=c( "l","m","h") )
factor(myList2,  ordered=T, levels=c( 2,1,3 ), labels=c( "Dos","Uno","Tres") )  # levels can be in any arbitrary order (useful when they will be part of bar graph)

# creating a new column of factor
nyc_borough_id = c( 1:5 )
nyc_borough_name = c( "Bronx", "Brooklyn", "Manhattan", "Queens", "Staten Island" )

nyc_borough_fct_practice =
  factor( bll_nyc$borough_id, levels=nyc_borough_id, labels=nyc_borough_name )

bll_kab = bll_nyc %>%
    mutate( borough_fac =
              factor( bll_nyc$borough_id,
                      labels=nyc_borough_name ) )

For data set in 10-100 GB, may want to learn to use data.table .  
    But it has a concise interface with fewer clues for beginners.
Ref: R for Data Science (free online O'Reilly book)
vector, matrix
R short primer (pdf)

vec1 = c( 1, 3, 5, 7)	# c = concatenate, paste together.  
vec2 = c( 2, 4, 6, 8)
vec3 = seq(10,25,5)     # aka: vec3 = seq(from=10,to=25,by=5)  # result: [1] 10 15 20 25


> mat1 = matrix( data = c(1,2,3,4,5,6), ncol=3 )   # ncol define how many column the matrix has
> mat1 = matrix( data = 1:6,            ncol=3, nrow=2, byrow=TRUE, dimnames=NULL )   # more complete syntax, same result
> mat1
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    3    5
[2,]    2    4    6

> mat[2,2]
[1] 4

matlb/octave matrix syntax is A LOT nicer :-D
pay special attention to the sequence of the numbers.
byrow=FALSE will sequence the list column wise first.

cbind	# column bind to create matrix
rbind 	# row    bind

> mat2 = mat1    # new matrix with same values, no need to use <- assignment operator ## 
> mat3 = matrix( data = c(2,2,3,4,5,6), ncol=3 )   # differ from mat1 by first element only

mat1 == mat3 # this result is an element wise comparison, returning another matrix.  Somewhat unexpected!
mat1 == mat2 # matrix list of TRUE elements, but not a single value.  

Vector deep dive
Above description of vector is an oversimplification. R for Data Science has a much more detailed explanations:

- Atomic vectors: homogeneous, single data type, mostly "number", but also logical, character, complex, raw, etc
- list (aka recursive vector): heterogeneous data types
- augmented vectors: those that have additional attributes to serve as metadata

Factors are built on top of integer vectors.
Dates and date-times are built on top of numeric vectors.
Data frames and tibbles are built on top of lists.

egAtomicVectOfLogicals = c( TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, NA )  # yes, NA is the third logical data type

Naming vectors
# Naming vectors
# ie, naming each of the element in a vector
namedVect = c( x=1, y=2, z=4 )

# or after the fact using purrr::set_names() :
myVect = c(1,2,4)         # results is [1] 1 2 4
postNameingVect = purrr::set_names( myVect, c("x","y","z"))
# result is (same for namedVect):
x y z
1 2 4

There is also subsetting, see detail at https://r4ds.had.co.nz/vectors.html#vector-subsetting
List internal strucutre is best to remember it is a Recursive Vector! Ref: R4DS ch20.5
(sane people thinking: vector is a simple form of list)
R internals: list is a recursive vector
list can contain heterogeneous elements, thus it gets more complicated.
list can be arbitrary number of object, each having different length.
thus, list indexing, naming has to deal with [] vs [[]].

my_vector = c(1,2,3)
my_list   = list(2,4,6)
class(my_vector)  # get numeric  1 2 3
class(my_list)    # get list, with [[ ]] stuff, cuz, well, LIST is a recursive vector!  

Look at the 
output has syntax that show list has nested structure, pay close attention!
(left is named list is similar to named vector; right is standard/unamed list):

> my_named_list = list( a=10, b=20, c=30 )      vs> my_list   = list(2,4,6)
> str(my_named_list) 				vs> str(my_list)
List of 3 					List of 3
 $ a: num 10 					$ : num 2
 $ b: num 20 					$ : num 4
 $ c: num 30 					$ : num 6

> my_named_list$a
[1] 10
> my_named_list[[1]] 				vs> my_list[[1]]
[1] 10 						[1] 2

> my_named_list 				vs> my_list
$a 						[[1]]
[1] 10 						[1] 2
$b 						[[2]]
[1] 20 						[1] 4
$c 						[[3]]
[1] 30 						[1] 6

# ie, named list is easier to understand, but in practice list is unmaed, and R assign sequential number in place of the name.

# named list with heterogeneous element 
> L = list(one=1, two=c(1,2),five=seq(1, 4, length=5))
> L
[1] 1
[1] 1 2
[1] 1.00 1.75 2.50 3.25 4.00

[ ]   returns a list
[[ ]] returns the object which is stored in list
If it is a named list, then
    List$name or List[["name"]] will return same as List[[ ]]
While List["name"] returns a list

ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32819539/proper-way-to-access-list-elements-in-r

for list returned by ans = mccollect( list(jobs...) )
typically ans[[1]], ans[[2]] etc will contain the original answer desired.

R4DS: Visualizing list has a good example of nested list (ie list of lists). Just remember recursion in Comp Sci! Though DataFrame maybe easier stuff to manipulate for data science table-centric data.
R is 1-indexed, so first entry of df is 1
A 1D array is a vector.
A 2D array is a matrix.
3D and higher dim structure is rarer in stats.

length()      # length( any_col_name ) to get number of rows, typically can provide count for sample size n.
length(mat1)  # length of matrix, serialized to 1 D.  ie as constructed above using c()
class(mat1)   # get "matrix" "array"   PFFF!!!!
typeof(mat1)  # get "integer"  

colnames(df)    # this fetch names of the column
colnames(df) = c( "newColName1", "newColName2" )  # this assignment overwrite the column name for the named df
t() - transpose

c() generalizes to cbind() and rbind() for matrix
abind() for arrays

as.array()  -- for conversions

dataframe is a common data structure to hold a table. Underneath the hood, a DF is a List of COLUMN vectors. The implication shows up in how to append columns, rows, access specific element of the df.

R is 1-indexed, so first entry of df is 1

coord = data.frame(x = runif(n.total), y = runif(n.total), sampled = 0) 
coord.sampled = coord[coord$sampled == 1,]   # initial sites

data.frame( coord ) is like a table  # convert a vector into a data.frame()
and $ separate the table name and the column name.
Thus, the above eg has 
each of them is an array (representing the cell values across many rows of the table).
coord$x[1]  # table coord, column x, row 1  # R is 1-indexed.  (unlike python 0-indexed)
coord$x[2]  # table coord, column x, row 2

› t = data.frame(x = c(11,12,14), y = c(19,20,21), z = c(10,9,7))
› t
   x  y  z
1 11 19 10
2 12 20  9
3 14 21  7

› mean( t$x )       # alt synatx: mean( t[["x]] )
[1] 12.33333

typeof( t )
class( t )
is.data.frame( t )
It’s a common mistake to try and create a data frame by cbind()ing vectors together. This doesn’t work because cbind() will create a matrix unless one of the arguments is already a data frame. Instead use data.frame() directly
Since a data frame is a list of COLUMN vectors, (ie each vector represents a column), and the data.frame() becomes a list of columns.

Be very careful with these kind of constructs!!  may not work as desired!!
cbind(t, data.frame( z = 3:1 )
rbind(t, data.frame(...) )

Pivot longer (vs wider)

PIVOT … it is the longer vs wider approach of data collection
the tidyverse way of organizing data...
overall, tidy don't want wide tables (suitable for human for reading)
but long tables (think SQL, RDBM that avoid null and need to operate on data using JOIN)
# really better off reading p47 of week 6 pdf (tidyverse book) Ref: R for Data Science Ch 12.3 - Tidy Data: Pivoting
pivot_longer( c('oldCol1','oldCol2','oldCol3'), names_to = "new_col_forVarName", value_to = "col__with_data" )
pivot_wider( names_from="col_that_becomes_new_header", values_from="col_with_data" )

# pivot_longer need 3 parameters:
rxn_long = rxn_time %>% 
  pivot_longer( c('1','2','3'),                  # list of column names with data to pivot
                names_to="cheese_count",         # new 1st column name containing name (of the new data field)
		values_to="time"                 # new 2nd column containing the data values indicated by the field name above

home_visit_wide = home_visit %>%
    names_from  = "action",  # "col_that_becomes_new_col_names" (would get as many new col as uniq values in the named col)
    values_from = "count"    #"col_with_data"

Joining tables

examples from r4ds ch13
flights %>% left_join( airlines, by="carrier" )
# airlines is the "right" table
# all records on "left" table (flights) are kept, 
# with a mutate-join adding additional variables (cols) from right table to the left table
# by="carrier" defines the KEY column to base the join  [ SQL USING(carrier) ]

# in R base, equiv construct using mutate():
flights %>% mutate( name=airlines$name[ match(carrier, airlines$carrier) ] )

# join where key have diff col names
# replaced county with corp, so search for count doesn't match :D  It seems some east coast state use corporation instead of county)
inner_join( x=leftTable, y=rightTable, by=c( "corp_name" = "corp" ) )

inner (equi) join  - think set intersection, only when row (key) is in BOTH tables

outer joins (useful to think in venn diagrams):
left join  - keep everything in left table
right join - keep everything in right table
full join  - keep all observations (many NA could result)

dplyr		vs R's base::merge
-------		-------------------
inner_join(x,y)	merge( x,y )
left_join(x,y)	merge( x,y, all.x=T )
right_join(x,y)	merge( x,y, all.y=T )
full_join(x,y)  merge( x,y, all.x=T, all.y=T )

reduce_result = Reduce(function(...) left_join(..., by='corp_name' ), list(df_2010,df_2011,df_2012))
# Reduce() take a list of data, and apply a fn to it one at a time
# it is reduced coding for repetitive apply-xyz kind of function
# the (...) is place holder for where the dataset and fn name would be applied
Ref for Reduce():
  • SO
  • R doc

    Creating sample data for testing

    myVector = 1:5		# vector [1] 1 2 3 4 5
    sample(5)		# sample is a vector containing 5 random numbers
    runif(10) 		# random uniform dist [0..1] as a vector of length=10 elements
    # Most R operations/functions can operate on vectors natively (elementwise operations), eg:
    sample(5) + 100		# add 100 to each of the entry in the sample vector
    runif(5)  + 100		# same as above, just to make it obvious what R is doing.
    DF from scratch, its vector elements
    From PHW251 week 4
    h1 = c( 123,  124)    # cm
    h2 = c(  5.6,   6.6)  # ft
    w1 = c( 71,    82)
    w2 = c(202,   176)
    df_Taiwan = tibble( h1, w1 ) %>% rename( height=h1, weight=w1 )   # data_frame() is deprecated, tibble() does same thing
    df_Colo   = tibble( h2, w2 ) %>% rename( height=h2, weight=w2 )
    df_both   = rbind( df_Taiwan, df_Colo ) # if col name mismatch then cant row bind
    #defaults for data.frame() for reference
    testing = data.frame(
      corp 	= c("Ala","CCosta","Marin"),   ## this is column vector [[1]] aka testing[["corp"]] aka testing$corp
      total_tests 	= c(500,745,832),              ## this is column vector [[2]]
      pos_tests 	= c(43, 32, 30),
        row.names = NULL,
        check.rows = FALSE,
        check.names = TRUE,
        fix.empty.names = TRUE,
        stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors()   # the default is FALSE for me, but TRUE for other system?
    default.stringsAsFactors() can be used to query what's the default on how data.frame() treat strings, 
    it seems that the default is FALSE
    #assign the vector to an object
    corp_vector = testing[["corp"]]
    #output a dataframe of the values in a column
    corp_df   = testing["corp"]
    corp_df2  = testing[1]
    #subset rows
    #using the row number - can be 1:2 or c(1,2)
    #based on a specified data elements
    testing[ which(testing$total_tests>500), ]                 # note sq bracket and tailing comma
    testing %>% filter( total_tests>500 ) 
    subset( testing, total_tests > 500 )
    stds_Ala = stds[ which(stds[["Corp"]] == "Alameda"), ] 
    subset( testing, corp=="Ala" & total_tests > 500 )	                # AND condition 
    testing[ which(  testing$corp=="Ala" & testing$total_tests>500), ]    # note sq bracket and tailing comma
    testing %>% filter( corp %in% c("Ala","CCosta"), total_tests>500 )    # filter for corp in a list AND ... 
    # unique() , though this eg only create a new vector, not preserving original df
    unique_counties = unique( stds[["Corp"]]) 
    #subset columns based on column name or number index
    testing[,c(2,3)]	# pick only column numbers 2 thru 3
    #subset rows and columns
    #Reassign a value of a cell
    testing[2,1] = "Yolo"         # row 2, column 1   ## maybe counter-intuitive, but first number is on thd col vector.
    # alt syntax should be testing[[1]][[2]]   # ie [[col_index]][[row_index]] cuz df is list of COL vect
    #Reassign column values
    testing$pos_tests = c(52,61,89)
    rbind and cbind... use carefully to add rows and columns to df.
    rbind = row bind = add row
    cbind = col bind = add column
    Remember, DF is concat of column vector. rbind add rows to the end.
    dplyr's version of row bind is bind_rows(), which can handle dataset with diff num of cols.
    rbind( existingVec, newRow )
    rbind( existingDF,  newRow )
    rbind( existingDF,  newRow1, newRow2 )
    #add a row using rbind()
    #create list that includes an element for each column - using a list is important since there 
    #are data of different types in the data frame
    add_corp <- list("San Diego", 1200, 73)
    #use row bind - will combine in the order given
    testing <- rbind(testing,add_corp)
    #row bind can also be used to combine two compatible data frames 
    #(compatible meaning they have the same columns and data types)
    testing2 <- data.frame(
      corp = c("Imperial","Riverside"),
      total_tests = c(410,760),
      pos_tests = c(84,57),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    #combine the two data frames
    #note: calling this new data frame 'testing' will save over our previous data 
    #frame named 'testing'
    testing <- rbind(testing,testing2)
    ### Adding columns
    #add a column
    #create a new column called 'id'
    testing$id <- 1:6
    #another way to do this is to create a vector of column values
    id <- 1:6
    #and add in using column bind
    testing_id2 <- cbind(testing,id)
    #adding a column based on other columns
       testing$pct_pos <- round(100*testing$pos_tests/testing$total_tests,1)   # >
    stds_Ala$Rate = ( stds_Ala$Cases / stds_Ala$Population ) * 100000
    #reorder columns, note POSITION of comma!
    testing_reordered_col <- testing[,c(4,1,2,3,5)]           ## this is reorder by col index!
    testing_4_cols = testing[,1:4]                            ## get subset of columns in new df
    #reorder rows based on values in a specified column
    testing_reordered_rows <- testing[order(testing$corp),]  ## note position of comma!
    #create a new df without the corp column
    #option 1: list columns by order or name
    testing_nocorp <- testing[,c(1,3,4,5)]
    #option 2: use the "-" to indicate which columns to exclude
    testing_nocorp2 <- testing[,c(-2)]
    #testing_nocorp will be the same as testing_nocorp2
    named rows for data frame. Note that it offset the column index!!
    #row names: create data frame which utilizes the row.names option and set the row name to
    testing_named_rows = data.frame(
      corp 	= c("Ala","CCosta","Marin"),   ## this WOULD have been col vector [[1]] if it wasn't cuz of row.names clause below.
      total_tests 	= c(500,745,832),              ## this now becomes col vector [[1]]
      pos_tests 	= c(43, 32, 30),
      row.names 	= "corp"                     ## this no longer treated as a general column/variable
    tidyverse tibbles
    ### Data frames vs. tibbles
    Tibbles are a type of dataframe that are used within the tidyverse. They were essentially created to be a bit more flexible and user friendly. Key differences:
    * No row names
    * Column names can have spaces, start with characters, as long as within back-ticks
    * When a tibble is printed to the console, it will automatically only include 10 lines, and will also include the data types
    * Can handle a vector of length 1 (will assign value to all rows)
    * Can create columns by calculating on others
    testing_tib = tibble(
      corp = c("Alameda","Contra Costa","Marin"),
      state = "CA",
      total_tests = c(500,745,832),
      pos_tests = c(43, 32, 30),
      `Percent Positive Tests` = round(100*(pos_tests/total_tests),1)    ## I probably hate space
    my_tib = tibble(
      v = c("dog","cat","mouse"),
      x = 1:3,
      y = 2,
      z = x^2*y
    myDF = my_tib %>% data.frame()	# convert tibble to df
    filter-ing data by row
    [ref: PHW251 week 5 (Fall 2022 git repo)]

    filter() is like unix grep, picking up only rows that match certain pattern, but has to be exact string match. grepl() is true RegEx egrep.
    ids_file_path = "https://data.chhs.ca.gov/dataset/03e61434-7db8-4a53-a3e2-1d4d36d6848d/resource/75019f89-b349-4d5e-825d-8b5960fc028c/download/idb_odp_2001-2018.csv"
    tbl = read_csv( ids_file_path )
    lister_2018 = filter( tbl, Corp %in% bay_area & !is.na(Rate) )
    slice() is selecting rows by position (row number)
    # both of these pick a slice of the table lister_2018, picking the first 10 rows
    lister_head  = slice_head(lister_2018,n=10)     # slice() is from dplyr
    lister_head2 = head(lister_2018,10)             # head is base R
    lister_2018a = slice(lister_2018, 15:n())       # pick row 15 till end of table, where n() is total num of row.  think count() of SQL
    lister_2018b = slice(lister_2018, c(5,20,25))   # pick rows 5,20,25.  ~ df_steps[ c(5,20,25),]  # note tailing comma
    #slice_max: rows with highest value.  
    # with_ties=F will enforce only n rows returned (but which row that made to the tie maybe undeterministic)
    # order_by is required so tidy knows how to sort
    lister_max =  slice_max(lister_2018, order_by=Cases, n=10, with_ties = FALSE)
    #slice_min: rows with lowest value.  with_ties=T means may end up with larger than specified n num of rows.
    lister_min =  slice_min(lister_2018, order_by=Cases, n=3, with_ties = TRUE)
    sample_frac(tbl, size=10,replace=F)	# randomly select fraction , exact count for size; replace=F means row cannot be used again
    sample_n(tbl, size=.1,replace=F)	# randomly select number of rows, 0.1 = 10%
    distint(tbl, Corp, Disease)		# select unique rows (dedup), keyed by the listed column(s)
    # base R way to add row:  ## is there way to add to existing object?
    new_row = list( Disease="E. Coli", Corp="San Diego" )
    id_add2 = rbind( tbl, new_row )
    tibble::add_row()	# add row to a tibble, na added automagically as needed, can append to existing object
    add_row(tbl, Disease = "E. Coli", Corp = "San Diego")
    arrange(tbl, Disease, desc(Cases))	# arrange row in specific order -- i think it then affects the row number used by slice() 
    					# desc() meands descending order
    select-ing data by col
    select() is like awk picking up desired columns only, ie working with select variables of a table
    select(df, corp)			# df["corp"]
    select(df, c(corp,cases) )		# df[ c("corp","cases") ]
    select(df, 2 )				# select column number 2 only      # xref: select column by index position
    select(df, c(2,5) )			# select column number 2 and 5 	   # xref: idx pos
    select(df,   2:5  )			# select column number 2 thru 5
    id_sub =  select( tbl,Disease:Population )	# take col from Disease to Population ## : is range operator!
    new_tbl = select( tbl, !Rate )		# both ! and - prefix remove column
    new_tbl = select( tbl, -Rate )		# df[ -c("Rate") ]
    id_sub = select(tbl,-contains("CI"))	# remove column with string CI in it
    id_sub = select(tbl,!ends_with("CI")) 	# remove column name end with CI
    id_sub = select(tbl,matches("pap|kps"))	# select column name Regular Expression match (pap or kps)
    pull() extract col as a new vector
    diseases =  id_sub %>%
      distinct(Disease) %>%
      pull(Disease)			# Disease is column name, if there is only 1 column in data, this is optional
    # base R way to select column from data.frame , by name or col index (start with 1)
    ids_rename = rename(ids, disease=Disease)		# renaming column 
    ids_rename = rename(ids, disease=Dis, corp=Cty) 	# rename multiple columns
    # base R
    col.names( df_steps ) = c(new_name1, new_name2)		# PHW251 wk 5 reader page 18
    # Code with and without pipe operator, note placement of ~ operator: 
                dataframe %>% rename_with( ~ tolower( gsub(" ","_", .x, fixed=TRUE) ))
    rename_with(dataframe,                 ~ tolower( gsub(" ","_", .x, fixed=TRUE) ))
    # the .x is used as a placeholder for column names since this will be applied to all columns
    ## does above replace the row values?
    # rename all - this line will rename all variables (column names) 
    #   - with lowercase names
    #   - replace spaces with _
    #   - replace slash  with _
    # chained use of %>% inside a function parameter [wk10 join]
    # rename_all is still just operating on the colunm names
    oshpd_payers = fread("data/inpatient_payer_ca.csv") %>%
      rename_all(  . %>% tolower %>% gsub(" ", "_", .) %>% gsub("/", "_", .)  )
    # to manipulate the cell values inside a column, use str_replace_all(), tolower(), 
    # perhaps along with mutate() , or simply reassign df$col = tolower( df$col )

    other ways to add columns:
    dplyr::add_column(...)	# dplyr has a add_column() fn -- for tibbles only?
    cbind( df_steps, ... )	# base R use cbind -- column bind
    mutate()		# create new column, could be calculated col
    id_campy_la = ids %>%
             state = "CA",
             corp_small = if_else(population<100000,"small","not small"),
             corp_cat = case_when(
               population<100000 ~ "small",
               population<1000000 ~ "med",
               TRUE ~ "large"                    # TRUE clause here is catch-all for everything else.  think *
             ci = paste0("(",`lower_95__ci`,", ",`upper_95__ci`,")")
    TRUE ~ NA_character_ 	# often default case for handling unwanted values
    id_campy_la = ids %>%
      mutate(cumulative_cases = cumsum(cases),
             cumulative_mean_cases = cummean(cases),
             cases_last_year = lag(cases),
             cases_change = cases - cases_last_year

    build-in data in RStudio

    data() 			# see list of build in dataset
    data("fligihts")       # load specific dataset, large set is auto lazy load as "promise"

    file IO

    PHW251 week 4 Part 2
    Tydiverse readr::read_csv
    # read_csv(file,
    #          col_names = TRUE,
    #          col_types = NULL,
    #          locale = default_locale(),
    #          na = c("", "NA", "-"),            # how to handle missing values
    #          quoted_na = TRUE,
    #          quote = "\"",
    #          comment = "", 
    #          trim_ws = TRUE, 
    #          skip = 0,
    #          n_max = Inf, 
    #          guess_max = min(1000, n_max),  # max # of rec to use for guessing col types
    #          progress = show_progress(), 
    #          skip_empty_rows = TRUE)
    file_path_csv <- "https://data.chhs.ca.gov/dataset/8eb8839f-52a1-410b-8c4a-5b1c1678bbc2/resource/21fec3a1-ae82-49f4-ae97-fd8c78ca22ee/download/retail-availability-of-electronic-smoking-devices-by-county.csv"
    esd_coltypes <- read_csv(
      col_names = c("corp","yr","pct","ci_l","ci_u"),   # optional, force col name 
      skip = 1,   # since original csv had column name that we forced to something else, this skip that header line
      # col_types = cols(col_character(), col_double(), col_number(), col_number(), col_number()),
      # col_types = cols_only(corp = col_character(), yr = col_double(), pct = col_number()),
      col_types = "cdnnn",   # oh, this is the abreviated char, double, num, num, num !
      na = c("", "NA","*","n/a"),   # handling 
    # missing value handling: replace na with 0, into the data frame
    # dyplyr hybridized options to replace na with 0	
    esd_coltypes = esd_coltypes %>% mutate_all( ~replace( ., is.na(.), 0 ) )
    # orig R way, slower:
    d[is.na(d)] = 0
    Import from Excel xlsx
    Include support such as sheet, cell ranges
    how read_excel handle col_types:
      + NULL to guess all from the spreadsheet
      + character vector containing one entry per column from these options: "skip", "guess", "logical", "numeric", "date", "text" or "list".
    file_path_excel <- "tb_in_ca.xlsx"
    #clear warnings due to values = .; set to missing using the na argument
    tb_cleanest <- read_excel(
      col_types = c("numeric","text","text","numeric","numeric","skip"), #specify column types
      na = c(".") #specify values to be considered missing
    Data export
    #export csv - good if needing flexibility for other analytic programs
    #export to excel - good if others want to look at it in excel (not R)
    #export RDS - good if you will want to pick it back up in R
    # note, R base has fn haved with dot, eg:
    write.csv(), write.xlsx()
    data cleaning
    Abricate produce a tsv of numbers, 
    but some numbers are convoluted, eg 98.75;99.00 
    to get just the first number before the ; and ignore the rest (check the data that it is okay to do this first!)
    getFirstNum = function( charStr ) {
      firstStr = str_match(  charStr , "([:digit:]+\\.*[:digit:]*)")[,1]
        as.numeric(  firstStr ) >= 80 , 1, 0, missing=0 
    amnt_sum_df_Sn = amnt_sum_df %>% mutate( across( 3:50, getFirstNum ))   
    see also:
    they replaced the mutate_if()
    example from R doc:
    iris %>%
      mutate(across(where(is.double) & !c(Petal.Length, Petal.Width), round))
    unfortunately, can only call fn (round), but not pass parameter with the fn, ie can't use round(1).
    xref: git log  a3ed902 of  https://github.com/tin6150/guatemala_amr/blob/a3ed902a4e5f15284058f49446c679672fc66ef1/guat_amr_analy.Rmd

    reprex - reproducible example

    Ref: PHW251_Fall2022/weekly materials/week_3/nb_reprex.rmd

    MRE = ??

    data()		# list of build-in datasets in R
    		# well known ones: mtcars, iris, airlines, airquality
    # read_csv directly from file avail via https, read the first 200 rows:
    ds_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nytimes/covid-19-data/master/us-counties.csv"
    read_csv(ds_url, n_max = 200)
    # dput returns a structure function with all the code that is needed to rebuild the shrunken data frame.
    # iris example of a data frame?
    reconstructed_from_dput_output = structure(list(mpg = c(21, 22), cyl = c(6, 4)), row.names = c("rName1", "rName2"), class = "data.frame")
    sample_data = data.frame(first_name = c("Leslie", "Ron", "April", "Donna", "Greg"), last_name = c("Knope", "Swanson", "Ludgate", "Meagle", "Pikitis"), age = c(36, 42, 24, 26, 16), occupation=c("Deputy Director", "Director", "Assistant", "Boss", "Student"))
    result <- sample_data[age > 17, c(1, 3:4)]
    #                     ^^^^1^^^  ^^^^2^^^^
    # 1 = filter: rows where age older than 17 
    # 2 = picking column 1 AND 3 to 4.
    result2 = filter( sample_data, !is.na(age) )   # this one only pick rows where age is defined (ie not missing)
    Ref: reprex.tidyverse.org

    	# original R code
    	# which reprex will format nicely 
    	# for pasting to stackoverflow 
    	# help helper help me :D
    	cat( "\tMuchas gracias!\n\n" )
    Will produce the gitHub-flavored Markdown of the enclosed ({ code }) ready for pasting as GitHub issue. Use
    venue = "so" # for StackOveverflow format
    venue = "ds" # Discourse.
    venue = "gh" # GitHub, default, and above are really just aliases for now!
    if helping other, use these to run their code inside a sandbox (in case there are malicious or really badly behaving code)
    reprex_invert()	# opposite of reprex()
    reprex_clean()	# 
    reprex_rescue()	# 
    fuzzy stuff, look up later
    class(x) <- value # can assign value to the class of an object??
    isa(x, what)

    Strange R stuff

    Formula and tilde (~) operator

    Coming from a programming world, R's definition of formula and its use of the tilde (~) operator is one of the weirest sh-IT of R!! =)

    R has this concept of formula, and, at least from a user perspective, is different than function. (Actually, a formula can be called 'f' and another function 'f' and they can coexist and be called correctly by the right context!)

    For python programmer, forget about programming for a bit. Put on the stat thinking cap :)
    Remember the flower classification example in data science class? stack overflow describes this construct:
    Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width
    as "Model Species depends on Sepal Length, Sepal Width, Petal Length and Petal Width"

    The tilde (~) operator is often used for regression model.
    The LHS of the ~ operator is the name of the model (Species).
    The RHS are the variables that is fed into the model, with the + operator being overloaded (don't literary means add them, but to treat each as "columns" to find covariance). Most models use data frames, and each "variable" is a column vector of data.

    formula has delayed evaluation

    Ref: Cran Lazy Eval, scroll down to the Formulas section.

    A formula capture delays the evaluation of an expression so that you can later evaluate it with f_eval(). ie
    f <- ~ 1 + 2 + 3
    The formula 'f' will be defined, but the RHS expression will not be calculated yet.
    Only when
    is executed is the expression calculated.
    Above was a one-sided formula.
    Below is a two-sided formula:
    	g <- y ~ x + z
    lazyeval provides abstraction like:
    f_rhs(g)   # x + z
    f_lhs(g)   # y         

    Common formula

    R Doc

    lm and glm are logistic regresion models (ie linear line of best fit).
    ## seed_weight is "Y", the response aka predicted value
    ## seed_count  is "X", the exploratory ie input value to find prediction for
    ##lm( y ~ x )
    seed_mod = lm( seed_weight ~ seed_count, data = seed_data )
    tidy( seed_mod ) 
    seed_mod %>% str         
    # there are a lot more than just intercept and slope in the linear model, just not shown when just asked for it plainly.  tidy() is a decent compromise
    ##  linear_mode = lm( y ~ x , data="someTable")
    m = linear_model$coefficients[2]   # slope  (it is a "named number" in R)
    m = linear_model$coefficients[[2]] # slope ( [[]] returns a number )
    b = linear_model$coefficients[[1]] # intercept

    the form y ~ model is interpreted as a specification that the response y is modelled by a linear predictor specified symbolically by model. Such a model consists of a series of terms separated by + operators.

    Model operators:
    + 	separate a series of terms that affect the model.
    : 	??
    * 	factor crossing: a*b interpreted as a+b+a:b
    ^ 	crossing to specific degree.  eg (a+b)^2 for crossing twice
    %in%   	terms on the left are  nested within those on the right.
    -      	remove dependence on the specified series
    I() - To avoid this confusion, the function I() can be used to bracket those portions of a model formula where the operators are used in their arithmetic sense
    1. The lattice package uses them to specify the variables to plot.
    2. The ggplot2 package uses them to specify panels for plotting.
    3. The dplyr package uses them for non-standard evaulation.

    Tilde operator

    Try to understand these:
    # sequences 
    x <-   c(1:100)
    y <- seq(0.1, 10, 0.1)
    # all these 3 are the same:
    plot( y     ~ I(x^3) ) 
    plot( I(x^3), y      ) 
    plot( x^3,    y      )    # no need to use I() function as ~ operator never used.
    # note how ~ syntatically swapped the order of the independent and dependent variables x and y
    # but this below is very different:
    # ^ is interpreted as model operator for cross reference.  ( due to presence of ~ operator)
    ploy( y ~ x^3 ) 
    StackOverflow more extensive discussion on formula
    Regression in Python usinr R-style formula seems to discuss use of ~ and regression formula in R.
    import pandas as pd
    from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
    model = ols("MPG ~ Year", data=df)
    results = model.fit()


    stack overflow
    %>% is defined by magrittr, which is used by dplyr.
    It is the equivalent of unix shell pipe.
    iris %>% head() %>% summary() is equiv to summary(head(iris))
    which one to use is a matter of preference.
    Note: there is also %in%

    apply family of function

    see R-bloggers
    apply(t(beaver1),1,max) ## apply function max to data, 1=row-wise)
    lapply() returns a list
    sapply() returns a vector instead of a list
    tapply() does grouping before running summary function on them
    by() ... think of GROUP_BY in SQL





    ## likfit - Likelihood Based Parameter Estimation For Gaussian Random Fields
    ## https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/geoR/versions/1.8-1/topics/likfit

    Python using R

    1. Quick hack: Just write to file, in /dev/shm so it is RAM based.
    2. https://towardsdatascience.com/from-r-vs-python-to-r-and-python-aa25db33ce17
    3. PypeR - R within Python
    4. pyRserve - connect to a remote R server
    5. rpy2 - runs embedded R in a Python process

    R using python

    1. rPython
    2. SnakeCharmR - fork, more modern ver of rPython
    3. PythonInR
    4. Reticulate [cheatsheet]

    Parallelization in R

    2 categories of parallelization: - Shared memory: ie, multiple cores, single machine memory space. typically fork-based. - distributed memory: multiple machines (multiple OS instances), using Socket, MPI, etc 6 main types/bundles of parallization exist in R:
  • same host, FORK based, parent/child memory model with copy-on-write: mclapply, mcparallel, mccollect. multicore is easy if code already use lapply. Not usable in Windows natively as it does not support fork().
  • Rdsm - shared memory within a single computer, so multiple PSOCK same-node processes can read/write to 1 single memory region.
  • PSOCK based multi-node parallelization, without needing MPI (cluster): SNOW: parLapply, clusterApplyLB
  • MPI based -- SNOW cluster implement on this as well.
  • pbdR, hiding some of the complexity of MPI
  • Hardoop/SparkR but that's a platforms of its own.
  • Packages that does parallelism under the hood. eg BLAS, caret, many others
  • future_map(), purrr -- https://byuistats.github.io/M335/parallel_furrr.html


    Chris Paciorek (UC Berkeley Stats Dept) Parallel Processing for Distributed Computing Cover R, Python, Matlab and C, as well as how to use them in a Slurm cluster.

    Jonathan Dursi Beyond Single-Core R a slide deck on Parallelization in R. Summary slides:
  • Packages that does parallelism under the hood -- https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/22
  • paralle/multicore with mc* -- https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/51
  • cluster* parLapply snow -- https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/73
  • foreach doParallel isplit %:% -- https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/98
  • Best Practices -- https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/106
  • bigmemory morder mpermute mwhich sub.big.matrix -- https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/133
  • Rdsm -- shared memory within node by multiple process -- https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/142

    Dursi's github repo has data for running his example, and I wrapped that with a Jupyter Notebook container so everyone can try using this Docker Container with Jupyter notebook server:
    Start jupyter notebook web server (on specific port, eg 6997):
    docker run -p 6997:6997 -v "$PWD":/mnt -it --entrypoint=/opt/conda/bin/jupyter  tin6150/beyond-single-core-r  lab --allow-root  --no-browser --port=6997 --ip=
    Point web browser to something like
    and paste the token URL link shown on the terminal console
    /mnt is a mount of the current dir (PWD) where you started the docker process, and files written there will persist after the container is terminated.  (Other files inside the container are ephemeral!)

    Parallelization in R using mc* functions

    mcparallel (likely just called parallel in early days)

    Ref: Beyond single core R
    mc*        are multi-core routines
    mcparallel is good for parallel tasks
    mclapply   is good for data parallelism - easily replace lapply()
    mc.cores   really should represent number of tasks, core can be oversubscribed often with little perf degradation
    parallel::mclapply - multi-core lapply - https://nceas.github.io/oss-lessons/parallel-computing-in-r/parallel-computing-in-r.html
    instead of 
    	result = lapply(starts, fx)
    	result = mclapply(starts, fx, cores=4)
    mclapply gathers up the responses from each of these function calls, and returns a list of responses that is the same length as the list or vector of input data (one return per input item).
    starts is a variable holding data, eg rep(100, 40)
    fx is a custom function that lapply() runs
    pvec - for simple use case of applying func to each element of vector and return vector, pvec is easier to use
    # https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/48
    mcparallel  # fork a task , run in background
    mccollect   # wait and collect result.  so kinda like MPI scatter/gather
    library(multicore)                    ## functionality replaced by library('parallel') 
    fun1 = function() {Sys.sleep(10); 1}
    fun2 = function() {Sys.sleep(5);  2}
    f1 = parallel(fun1())                 ## new fn name is mcparallel()
    f2 = parallel(fun2())
    result = collect(list(f1, f2))
    result[[1]]  # would contain result of f1
    Linear Regression Model fitting, in series vs parallel
    https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/32 and slide 33
    fit1 =  lm(DISTANCE  ~ AIR_TIME,  data=jan2010))
    fit2 =  lm(ARR_DELAY ~ DEP_DELAY, data=jan2010))
    parfits = function() {
         pfit1 = mcparallel(lm(DISTANCE  ~ AIR_TIME,  data=jan2010))
         pfit2 = mcparallel(lm(ARR_DELAY ~ DEP_DELAY, data=jan2010))
         mccollect( list(pfit1, pfit2) )
    Note that mcollect asked for the tasks output to be combined into a list.
    Some data structure maybe needed to extract more complex model result??
    domino data lab on caret/doMC
    library(caret) # popular ML using foreach to parallelize CV-folds, etc.
    	fit.lda.ser vs

    Parallelization in R using cluster functions

    #ref for-loop
    for is run for its side effect
    foreach returns result, side effects maybe gone (when using parallel backend).
    foreach should be tought of lapply, not for loop
    %do% is serial
    %dopar% is parallel, and need a backend.
    Parallel libs: doParallel, doMC, doMPI
      cl = parallel::makeCluster(4)
      cl = parallel::makeCluster(4, type = "FORK")   # unix fork() based, not usable in windows natively.
      cl = parallel::makeCluster(4, type = "PSOCK")  # default.  Parallel Sockets on a SNOW cluster with 4-node
      cl = parallel::makeForkCluster(4)
    use registerDoSEQ() if want to force foreach to run in serial 
    much of the parallelization is done using fork() in unix (may not work in windows).
    Also, fork() allow access to vars/memory from parent, but result not returned at the end.
    Need to do some special collection/return if need to save those data.
    Thus, "side-effects" such as those produced by `for` vanishes in parallelization.
    SNOW - like PSOCK, entirely new process, so ned to explicitly copy data.  but process can be on remote machine.
    clusterEvalQ() # easier to use for tasks
      cl = parallel::makeCluster(4, type = "PSOCK")  # Parallel Sockets creates a brand new session in each node, 
    						 # R copies data and .packages to each node, so more overhead than fork().  
    						 # 4 here indicate create a 4-node SNOW cluster, which are just cores in a SMP machine.   
    						 # for multinode, provide a vector of hostnames, which R need to ssh to (and run 1 core per machine?) 
    						 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36794063/r-foreach-from-single-machine-to-cluster
      multinode foreach call would need to have param for .packages to copy to each node, as well as .export for variables  eg:
      foreach(i = 1:nrow(data_frame_1), .packages = c("package_1","package_2"), .export = c("variable_1","variable_2"))  %dopar% { ... }     
    If the foreach loop is in the global environment, variables should be exported automatically. If not, you can use .export = ls(globalenv()) (or .GlobalEnv).
    per https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45767416/how-to-export-many-variables-and-functions-from-global-environment-to-foreach-lo


    One way to do parallel processing in R
    #ref "for-loop"
    cl = makeCluster( NumThread, outfile="mkcluster.out" )   ## create a cluster object
    foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)
    # the %dopar% says to run the foreach loop in parallel for each item
    # all console output inside cluster object will go to outfile 
    # there are eg combine=rbind to merge result
    .combine=rbind # row-bind, ie, each result becomes a row
    .combine=cbind # col-bind, ie, each result becomes a col
    .combine=c     # c() ?  concatenate?
    detectCores() ## return number of cores on machine


    nrows = 7
    cl = makePSOCKcluster(3)       # form 3-process PSOCK (share-nothing) cluster
    init = mgrinit(cl)             # initialize Rdsm
    mgrmakevar(cl,"m",nrows,nrows)  # make a 7x7 shared matrix
    bar = makebarr(cl)
    clusterEvalQ(cl,myid = myinfo$id)
    dmy = clusterEvalQ(cl,myidxs = getidxs(nrows))
    dmy = clusterEvalQ(cl, m[myidxs,1:nrows] = myid)
    dmy = clusterEvalQ(cl,"barr()")

    Clustering on Clusters

    ship data to other nodes of the cluster:
    cl = makeCluster(8)
    clusterExport(cl, "jan2010")
    cares = clusterApply(cl, rep(5,4), do.n.kmeans)
    mcres = mclapply(rep(5,4), do.n.kmeans, mc.cores=4)
    # Running across machines:
    # 2 machine, each with 8 core of process?
    hosts = c( rep("localhost",8), rep("", 8) )
    cl = makePSOCKcluster(names=hosts)
    clusterCall(cl, rnorm, 5)
    clusterCall(cl, system, "hostname")


    viz of run
    do.kmeans.nclusters <- function(n) { kmeans(jan2010, centers=n, nstart=10) }
    cl = makeCluster(2)
    tm = snow.time( clusterApply(cl, 1:6, do.kmeans.nclusters) )
    # load balance, below is more like mc.preschedule=FALSE, kicking off task to worker only when needed
    tm.lb = snow.time(clusterApplyLB(cl, 1:6, do.kmeans.nclusters))
    https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/73 - Summary for parallel/snow
    1. clusterExport good for for SIMD
    2. clusterApplyLB good for MIMD
    3. mcparallel is best for MIMD?
    4. parLapply
    5. makePSOCKcluster for small cluster
    6. makeMPIcluster for larger cluster -- but read up on pbdR first
    7. pdbR -- https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/143
    8. pdb*apply -- https://ljdursi.github.io/beyond-single-core-R/#/152
    9. using pdbR -- bring hpc distributed memory processing (SPMD) to R, see section 3.1.2 of CPaciorek's Parallel Processing for Distributed Computing
    foreach parallel
    %:% nest foreach object # slide 84
    MPI cluster
    rank = comm.rank()
    allreduce(length(dta), op="sum")


    cl = makeCluster(2, type = "SOCK")
    clusterCall(cl, function() {
      registerDoSNOW(makeCluster(2, type = "SOCK"))

    Parallel R Baggage

    Some history of the R parallel back ends...
    see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28989855/the-difference-between-domc-and-doparallel-in-r
    doParallel is essentially merge of multicore (doMC) and snow.
    multicore is w/in same machine, so faster than snow.  
    multicore is fork based.
    snow was intended to leverage HPC MPI stack.   so registerDoSNOW() has more overhead than registerDoParallel().  
    parallel is a merger of snow and multicore
    registerDoParallel vs registerDoSNOW
    registerDoParallel() could be invoking the multicore backend and use doMC/fork when on single node, thus less overhead than registerDoSNOW()
    registerDoSEQ() is run in serial, useful for debugging to test whether parallel code produce same result as sequential code.
    SNOW use PSOCK, easier to deal with than MPI.

    Data Viz


    Kable provide nice formating of tables for Rmd, png, LaTeX. Part of knitr. It can output to HTML as well, but for that DT (DataTable, also avail in Python), or formattable maybe better choice. (wk 11 of PHW251).
    Material from PHW251 week 7
    std_sf_m = some data fram from CA DPH
    # specify number of digits to display for numbers, 
    # as single value for every column
    kable(std_sf_m,booktabs=T, digits=0)
    # as a vector of numbers representing each col
    kable(std_sf_m,booktabs=T, digits=c(0,1,0,1))
    # #format args, large numbers are displayed as 1,234,567.1
    # year is displayed as plain 4 digits
    # changing how col names are displayed
    kable(std_sf_m,booktabs=T, col.names=str_to_title(gsub("[.]"," ",names(std_sf_m))))
    # change text display alignment (l=left, c=center, r=right)
    kable(std_sf_m,booktabs=T, align='lccr')
    kable(std_sf_m,booktabs=T, caption="STD Rates among males in San Francisco, 2013-2018")
    # pick format, many more exist, most are for Rmd
    kable(std_sf_m, format="pipe")
    # kable(std_sf_m, format="latex") 
    misc info
    The table() fn is not for data viz
    it creates a contingency table of the counts at each combination of factor levels.
    # this include a graphics into Rmd

    DT - DataTable

    (PHW251 wk 11)
    library(DT)             # this one is the HTML interactive table 
    #xx library(data.table) # this one is an enhanced/replacement for R's native data.frame
    DT cheatsheet from DataCamp (the one that replaces data.frame)


    ggplot2 cheat sheet or ggplot cheatsheet(download)
    (much of ggplot notes is under EpiStat)
    Brief structure:
    ggplot(data = ______, 
           aes( x=var1, y=var2)
          ) +
       geom_point( aes( col=var3 ) ) +
       facet_wrap( ~ var4 )          +        # facet_wrap creates grids of multiple graphs, based on an an extra var
            title = “Main”, 
            x     = “Type x-axis here”  , 
            y     = “Type y-axis here”
    Also check out:
    geom_rect + coord_polar(theta="y") +
    geom_count() # 2 discrete variable
    ballon plot can do 2 categorical vars for X, Y then gradient or bubble size for intensity/frequency/count thing ggballoonplot • ggpubr
    ggplot - geom_ribbon
    geom_ribbon add a thick bar to represent "error bar". it is overlay over geom_line or geom_line can be skipped, and only use geom_point or just ribbon by itself.
    ggplot(data=std_gg3,aes(group=disease_f)) +
      geom_ribbon( aes(x=year, ymin=lower_ci, ymax=upper_ci),fill="azure3") +
      geom_line(   aes(x=year, y=rate), linetype="dashed") + #to set line type overall
      geom_line(   aes(x=year, y=rate,  linetype=disease_f)) + #to set line by group
      geom_point(  aes(x=year, y=rate,  shape   =disease_f)) + #to add points and choose shape by group
      scale_linetype(name="STD") + #to change the title of the legend
      # scale_shape_manual(values=c(15,17,19)) #to manually change shape types by group
       labs(x="Year",y="Case rate per 100,000 population", title = "STD Case Rates in Alameda Corp",subtitle="2001-2018",caption="Data is from CDPH. The grey bars represent 95% confidence intervals.") +
    plotly creates interactive graphs in HTML format, good when result is posted to the web.
    Example from PHW251 week 11. Advanced Markdown Slides.Rmd (fork/cache) Other interesting examples in the week_11 dir.
    covid_df = read_csv("https://data.chhs.ca.gov/dataset/f333528b-4d38-4814-bebb-12db1f10f535/resource/046cdd2b-31e5-4d34-9ed3-b48cdbc4be7a/download/covid19cases_test.csv") %>%
      filter(area_type == "State") %>%
      mutate(case_roll = frollsum(cases, 7, hasNA = T)/7,
             test_roll = frollsum(total_tests, 7, hasNA = T)/7
    fig1 = plot_ly(data = covid_df) %>%
      add_trace(x = ~date, y = ~cases, type = 'bar', name = 'Cases per day',
                             marker = list(color = 'rgb(187, 216, 228)'),
                             hoverinfo = "text",
                             text = ~paste(round(cases, 0), ' cases')         ) %>%
      layout( legend = list(x = 0.1, y = 0.9) )
    fig3 = plot_ly( data = chronic_focus_counties ,
                text = ~paste(Corp, round(pct, 1), "%"     )  # add_trace overwrite this :-\
                ) %>%
                x = ~Corp,
                y = ~pct,
                name = 'Chronic Mortality Rates by Counties',
                marker = list(color = ~ctyColor),
                hoverinfo = "text",
                text = ~paste(round(pct, 1), "%" ),
                type = 'bar') %>%
                title = "Chronic Mortality Rates For California's Rural Counties",
                yaxis = list( title="% Mortality Rate"),
                xaxis = list( title="Corp", categoryorder='total descending' )
    	# Arrange barchars by 'total descending' height (PHW251 prj)
    	# https://plotly.com/r/reference/layout/xaxis/#layout-xaxis-categoryorder
    ggplot is the grand-mommy of all plots, lots of bells and whishels, but also need lots of coding. several packages provide quick table and graphing need for the standard case, just plug in the data, and outcome the results, very little code needed. eg:
  • incidence2
  • incidence (this one is covered in "The Epidemiology Handbook")
    eg epidemic curvee (wk 13 of PHW251 EpidemicCurves.Rmd)
    Ebola_data <- import("https://github.com/appliedepi/epirhandbook_eng/raw/master/data/case_linelists/linelist_cleaned.xlsx")
    Ebola_data$date_onset <- as.Date(Ebola_data$date_onset)
    epi_day <- incidence(x = Ebola_data, date_index = date_onset, interval = "day")


    The purrr package is said way for R to functional programming. It is part of tidyverse. the map_* class of function should corresponds to map-reduce-gather? For now, I am just seeing it to repeatedly apply code repeatedly in a stateless manner to steps that are repetitions. It is often said map* replaces for-loops and is easier to read, structure being more consistent. ref:
  • purrr doc at tidyverse
  • Ch 21 of R for Data Science
  • YT video on purrr
    map() result in a list
    map_lgl() results in logical vector
    map_dbl() results in a double vector
    map_df()  results in a data frame
    note the use of ~ tilde 
    .x is stand-in for data
    (eg from  wk 13 of PHW251 purrr_example.Rmd)
    site_file     <- "data/test_sites.xlsx"
    import_sheets <- c("site_A", "site_B", "site_C")
    all_sites4 <- map_df(excel_sheets("data/test_sites.xlsx"),
                         ~read_excel(site_file, sheet = .x) %>%
                           select(uniqueid, age, gender, payer ) %>%
                           mutate(age_cat = case_when(age %in% c(0:24) ~ "< 25",
                                                      age %in% c(25:49) ~ "25-49",
                                                      age %in% c(50:150) ~ "> 50"))
    all_sites4 # is a df


    Stat for Epidemiologist
    Good resources:
  • R for Health Data Science is an online book by Ewen Harrison and Riinu Pius. It's available online in its entirety, for free
  • The Epidemiologist R Handbook is by Neale Batra et al. and is also available on the web for free.
    # not sure if these all are from this library, but what I am learning in epi1.
    nhanes <- read.csv("ps7_nhanes.csv",header=TRUE)
    # converting a numeric 1, 2 to categorical male, female, but creating a new col (sec_cat) in existing table (nhanes)
    nhanes$sex_cat = ifelse(nhanes$sex==1, "Male", "Female") 
    tab1x2 <- table(nhanes$sex) # cmd to create table ... by counting freq of values in col sex
    table2x2 <- table(nhanes$dpq_bin, nhanes$vitd_def)  # create 2x2 epi table
    addmargins(table2x2)   # addmargins create total (row and col) 
    # express table "nhanes" entries as proportions
    # OR
    sum(tab2) # return a scalar containing total freq (ie count)  ## here think of count row by group
    help(CS) # Cohort Study measuring Risk
    CS( x,         "cases",   "exposure", full=FALSE)
    CS( tableName, "outcome", "exposure", full=FALSE)
    CS(nhanes,     "dpq_bin", "sex_cat",  full=FALSE) 

    R studio cheatsheets eg on data viz using ggplot, dplyr, etc.

    Rnd tidbits

    shortcuts: R allow abreviating option names when things can be uniquely identified. eg:
    Both of these accepted by R:
    Result = t.test(Data, mu=8, alternatives="two.sided", conf.level=0.95)
    Result = t.test(Data, mu=8, alt="two.sided",          conf=0.95)
    This is why col='Red' and color='Red' are both allowed in ggplot.
    PS. alternative refers to the alternate hypothesis (vs null hypothesis).
    Fn like t.test(), binom.test() return a sizable list of things.  They are internally separated by "attributes" and can be retrieved directly.  eg
    attributes( Result )
    Result$parameter    # only df is returned as "parameter" 
    lm(), confint(), vcovHC() etc also return numeric with attributes.
    To change the attribute name, use names().  eg:
    m = lm( Outcome ~ Exposure, data=... )
    hat_ATE = m$coef['Exposure']
    names( hat_ATE ) = "ATE"
    ref: R tutorial on Student t Test

    PH142 - Stats for Public Health

    Much of the R code below are from the PH 142 stat class by Prof Dr Mi-Suk Kang Dufour

    course core concepts - ccc

    in: x-axis value.  out: AUC, which is prob of event x
    	d- (density) and p- (distribution) class of function.  eg dnorm, dpois , pbinom,
    in: AUC, a probability of event.  out: x-axis value.  eg, have 60% chance of event, what is the expected value.
    	q- (quantile) class of function.  eg qpois, qbinom,
    generate a list of possible values according to a distribution.
    	r- (random) class.  eg rnorm(n,mean,sd)
    	eg: sim_01 = rbinom(n=200,size=1,prob=0.3030) # think of the rbinom as "200 choose 1, with prob of 30.30%" but not quite?
    	• dnorm( x=…,   mean=0, sd=1 )    density .  (in dbinom is exact value, but for Norm dist of continuous var, this does not usually make sense (?)
    	• pnorm( q=1.2,  mean=0, sd=2), to calculate the cumulative probability below a given x-axis value
    	• qnorm( p=0.75, mean=0, sd=1) to calculate the x-value for which some percent of the data lies below it (ie input is AUC, a probability value, thus named p=… in first input argument)
    	• dbinom( x=k,   size=n,  prob=NumOfSuccess )    k=number of successful event desired, exact match.
    	• pbinom( q=k,   size=10, prob=0.29         )    binomial, CUMULATIVE prob, X ≤ k. [Lect 16 slide 35]
    	• qbinom( p,     size,    prob,     lower.tail=T)
    	• rbinom( n=200, size=1,  prob=0.3030       )  # think of the rbinom as "200 choose 1, with prob of 30.30%" but not quite?
    	• dpois(  x=…,   lambda=mu ) : discrete prob, X=x exact value.
    	  ppois(  q=k,   lambda=mu ) : cumulative, up to X ≤ k
    calculating critical cut-off values of z.  [wk8 p119]
    eg z* for 90 or 95% Confidence Intervarl
    z.star95 = qnorm(0.025, lower.tail=F)  #1.96
    z.star90 = qnorm(0.05,  lower.tail=F)  #1.64
    # lazy way to explore paired variable comparisons via wrap of many ggplots in large panel grid
    study_data %>% ggpairs

    Exam 1: Review

    Constructing 2x2 or RxC contingency table
    # Lab 11 [wk14] video @ 30:15
    # easiest way to generate 2x2 table out of raw data!
    d.frame %>% group_by(exploratoryVarColumn) %>% count(ResponseVarColumn)
    # manually
    # wk14 Lect 32 slide 33
    two_way_tibble = tribble( ~disease, ~ noDisease, # header create col for response vars
                                 16,      84,        # treatment grp / exploratory var 1 
                                  3,      97)        # treatment grp / exploratory var 2 

    Course: Review

    What test to use? Decision tree
    input:  continuous
    output: continuous
    Test:   lm(), scatter plot with linear fit.  [or convert to log scale first, or quadratic, etc]
    What test to use?  Decision tree: 
    output: CONTINUOUS variables as OUTCOME, 
    input:  1 , 2 or more categories, form basis of decision tree.
    eg experiment/sample has an new x.bar as result.
    essentially, non True/False binomial output.
    [wk15 video@28:45 p16]
    ch 25 of text does decision tree a bit differently.
    Num of (input) Group/Categories
      +----- One ---know sigma? --+--→  Z-test (know sigma)     parametric, definition of Normal dist
      |                           +--→  t-test (unknown sigma)  still parametric, assume  Normal distribution
      |                           \--→  bootstrap (non parametric)
      +----- Two ---+--- Independent? --+-- Non-parametric -→ Wilcoxon Rank Sum 
      |             |                   \-----  param      -→ two-sample T test
      |             |
      |             \--- Non-Indep    --+-- Non-parametric -- Wilcoxon Signed Rank
      |                                 \------ param      -- paired T test
      +--- Three+ --+--- non-parametric ---Kruskal-Wallis
      |             \------  parametric -- anova  ----- if support H_a , subsequent post-hoc test, eg Tukey HSD or Bonferroni correction tests
      \--- continuous --→ Linear Regression  lm()
    t-test can be used when data is large enough, 
    from Central Limit Theorem that when data is large enough --→ approx Normal dist.
    Categorical variables (as input and output)
    Input:  exposure Yes/No  (Categorical, proportions of Yes in explanatory [input] var).  calc p.hat1 vs p.hat2 w/in each of these groups!
    Output: disease  Yes/No  (Categorical, proportions of Yes as response)
    The underlaying data has binomial distribution., we are counting "number of Yes(sucess)"
    And still need #sucess ≥ 10 ; #failure ≥ 10 (so that binomial appox Normal)
    ONE group/cat:   eg juror by race distribution, COVID deaths by race dist, does the count match their pop% for each race (chisq GOP)
    TWO groups/cats: Common with 2x2 or RxC contingency tables.
    Num of Group/Categories
      +----- One --- --+---- binary (2 groups) ----→  1 sample proportion (Z based)
      |                |
      |                \--→  mult cat of outcome --→  chi-sq Goodness of Fit GOF (non parametric)
      +----- two --- --+---- binary   -------------→  2 sample proportion (Z based)
      |                |
      |                \--→  mult cat of outcome --→  chi-sq test of Independence (non param)  [or Rnd Permutation]
      |                                                   ^
      |                                                   |
      \---- Mult -----------------------------------------/
    Chi-squared test requirements:
    Ei ≥ 5 for 80% of the cells (in a RxC contingency table)
            2x2 table then need to have each cell ≥ 5
    Ei ≥ 1 in all cells (here used ≥ rather than a strictly gretater!) [video @34:56]
            10x2 table, then some small cell can be ≥ 1 (but NOT zero success)
    Testing method:
    Null hypothesis:  
    ------- = mu   compare to some distribution
    signal estimate -/+ theoretical dist * (noise)
    Final review slide by GSI, p91.
    Cover a case of 
    input: categorical var
    output: continuous var
    Use Linear Regression with Categorical Vars.
    (not covered in lecture of Stat142?)

    Exam 1: Review

    PPDAC = Problem, Plan, Data, Analyze, Conclusion.
    3 main poblem types for stat using PPDAC model:
    ● Descriptive: learning about some particular attribute of a population
    ● Causative/Etiologic: do changes in an _explanatory_ variable cause changes in a response variable?
      eg: study the whole scatter plot of how x relates to y
    ● Predictive: how can we best predict the value of the response variable for an individual
      eg: laser focus on individual, how to use all the stat knowledge and figure out what will happen to 1 person
    Note it is explaNAtory, not exploRAtory, for the x vs y axis interpretation!
    col operation
    select() 	# awk picking column
    mutate() 	# add computed column
    rename() 	# change col name
    row operation
    arrange() 	# sort
    filter()	# think grep , but need to match whole string exactly.
    grepl()         # is true RegEx egrep.
    think SQL summary operation
    # create data.frame
    OFC2=c(6.31,7.94, 9.46,11.0, 11.1, 8.9)
    OFCdata = data.frame(OFC1,OFC2)
    # lm() only works on dataframe, not matrix.  
    fit = lm(OFC1 ~ OFC2, data=OFCdata)
    # tidy produce intercept, slope, and stats like std.error, p.value of the fit.
    # marginal distribution vs conditional distribution, p 35
    # marginal refers to margin, ie whole group of the 2x2 table.  
    # Essentially just the whole pop prob(A)
    # conditional is a narrower group.  P(A|B) kind of stuff.
    # Simpson's Paradox is tied to confounder (lurking variable).
    # when looking at whole population, a different pattern emerge, 
    # because cofounder was the cause, and it was not being measured
    # review deck page 37
    ggplot(data = ______, aes(x = var1, y = var2)) +
    geom_point(aes(col = var3)) +
    facet_wrap(~ var4) +
    labs(title = “Main”, x = “Type x-axis here”, y = “Type y-axis here”)
    facet_wrap(      ~ var1, nrow=3 )	# cretae series of ggplot based on single var1
    facet_grid( var1 ~ var2 )        	# create a n*m grids of graph for var1 vs var2  [review page 61]
    facet_grid( rows=vars( colName ) )	# 1x #rows where colName has data to group by
    stat="identity" # when y is specified  # arg of geom_histogram() (and geom_bar?)  
    # eg lab06 line 300
    p16 = ggplot(data=obs_data,aes(x=x_vals,y=probs)) + geom_histogram( binwidth = 1, stat="identity" )
    geom_bar( ... ) params: 
    position="dodge"	# side by side grouping in barchart
    position="stack"  	# on top of, less liked by stat wanting to do comparison.
    geom_col() 	# can be used instead of geom_bar( stat="identity" )
    coord_flip() 	# make horizontal bar graph

    Exam 1: Review

    slide 65
    food = read.csv("food_supply.csv")  # food is a df
    # convert select columns to vector, for easier average calc
    vector_of_alcohol_supply = food$alc.beverages
    sum(vector_of_alcohol_supply) / length (vector_of_alcohol_supply)
    # dplyr finding average and created as df
    food %>% summarize( mu=mean(vector_of_alcohol_supply) )

    rmd - R MarkDown

    title: "play_R_PHW251"
    output: html_document
    date: "2022-08-21"
    # optional YAML header - https://r4ds.had.co.nz/r-markdown.html#yaml-header
    # File menu, new, R Markdown doc = will generate a new doc with basic example in it
    # kinit button in toolbar will render the doc for web view
    # To speed up knit, one time run in console.
    # http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com = Rmd info
    # http://socviz.co/gettingstarted.html = tutorial for Rmd and kinit
    ```{r code-chunk-desc, echo = FALSE}
    print("R code chunk goes between ```{r}  ``` in Rmd")
    ```{r another-code-eg, eval = FALSE}
    # can use F or FALSE, T or TRUE
    # echo = F   # do not echo command into output by kinit
    # eval = F   # do NOT evaluate/interpret as code to run, just do verbatim text output [also for output of kinit]
    bad-var-name = 0  # dont use - in variable name, R treats it as math substraction!  use _
    # this one below is example of invoking autograder to check this checkpoint
    . = ottr::check("tests/p1.R")
    Basic text formatting. From: R4DS ch 27.3
    *italic* or _italic_
    **bold** __bold__
    superscript^2^ and subscript~2
    # 1st Level Header.  use of # for header is #1 reason I hate MarkDown.  could have used !   I like .rst use of dashed lines.
    ## 2nd Level Header.  
    ### 3rd Level Header
    *   Bulleted list item 1
    *   Item 2
        * Item 2a
        * Item 2b.  I hope there is no need for empty lines between them, but that empty line can be used.  
        * Item 2c.  Presense of a single blank line in here will create all of the sub-items to have blank lines between them.  Having a preview would still be nice, both .md and .rst always have cases that don't format the way i hoped them to :-X
        * Item 2d
    1.  Numbered list item 1
    1.  Item 2. The numbers are incremented automatically in the output.
    Links and images
    [linked phrase](http://example.com)
    ![optional caption text](path/to/img.png)
    See below for 2x2 contingency table formatting in Rmd.

    Lecture 1: Intro to R

    ??histogram	# double ? for "topic" search
    functions/packages introducted in this lecture:
    - ggplot2, 
    - filter() aka stats::filter()

  • Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund have written a helpful book about R that is freely available here: https://r4ds.had.co.nz/
  • UCLA has a website with many helpful examples here: https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/

  • Lecture 2: Working with data in R

    library(readr)                              # provides read_csv
    lake_data = read_csv("mercury-lake.csv")		# read csv into an array (R is 1-indexed).
    head(lake_data)		# show first few lines
    lake_data %>% head	# same, using unix pipe style 
    dim(lake_data)		# dimension as num of rows, cols
    str(lake_data)		# structure, compact display of the kind of data in the array
    names(lake_data)	# aka colnames(lake_data), show column heading name  
    			# this eg has 6 cols:  lakes ph chlorophyll mercury number_fish age_data
    # becareful with space in csv, no space allowed after comma, or R will read the space into the data structure, no automatic stripping.
    # foo,TRUE will be logical operator, but "foo, TRUE" will just be string.
    # TSV, tab delimited, maybe better...
    library(dplyr) 		# PH142 use dplyr extensively
    # rename column heading names, note first param is the array variable holding the data.
    # new_array    = rename(old_array,  new_col_name = old_col_name)
    lake_data_tidy = rename(lake_data,  name_of_lake = lakes       )
    #                                               ^^^ don't use <- here      
    # rename multiple cols at same time:
    lake_data_tidy = rename(lake_data,                  # array_name
                               name_of_lake = lakes,    # new_name = old_name
                               ph_level = ph)
    # using %>% pipe method.  think unix bash cli:
    lake_data_tidy = lake_data  %>% rename( new_name = old_name )
    # there are some nuances with pipe, if run like this, rename result NOT stored back into the array!
    # because there were no assignment operation where the rename() line ran
    new_lake_data_tidy = lake_data  
    new_lake_data_tidy              %>% rename( new_name = old_name )
    new_lake_data_tidy %>% head
    # selecting (choosing columns) to keep, think SQL
    # think awk to select which column to keep
    # new_array  = select(old_array,  col1,  col2, col3       )   # first param for select() is source array/table
    smaller_data = select(lake_data,  lakes, ph,   chlorophyll)
    smaller_data %>% head(2)
    # Negative select, ie drop named columns, note the minus sign before the column name
    # new_array    = select(old_array,  - col_name_to_drop)
    smaller_data_2 = select(lake_data,  - age_data        )
    # drop multiple columns, using pipe operator syntax
    smaller_data_3 = lake_data %>% select(- age_data, ph)
    smaller_data_3 %>% head(2)
    View(lake_data)			# interactive table to view array data, note it is uppercase V.  utils::View(df)
    # arrange() = display data with sorting		# think sort, display rows in new order (but no acutal change to the data)
    lake_data %>% arrange(ph)			# show data sorted by value in the ph column, ascending order is default
    lake_data %>% arrange(desc(ph))			# show data sorted by value in the ph column, DESCending order
    lake_data %>% arrange(age_data, - ph)		# can sort by mult cols, and ph in descending order
    # mutate() perform operation on a column, adding it as new col to a new array
    # new_array        = old_array %>% mutate(new_column_name     = old_col_name OPERATION )
    lake_data_new_fish = lake_data %>% mutate(actual_fish_sampled = number_fish    * 100   )
    # chain multiple operations together using pipe operator
    tidy_lake_data = lake_data %>% 
      rename(lake_name = lakes) %>%
      mutate(actual_fish_sampled = number_fish * 100) %>%
      select(- age_data, - number_fish)
    tidy_lake_data %>% head(3)
    # filter() - this is like grep, extract select rows.  eg keep record where col age_data has value "recent"
    # new_array        = old_array %>% filter(col_name  FILTER_CONDITION             )
    lake_data_filtered = lake_data %>% filter(age_data   ==     'recent'             )
    lake_data_filtered = lake_data %>% filter(age_data   %in% c('recent','str2')     )
    # %in% with a concat set of strings allow multiple == conditions to be specified.  eg match one of the listed string in the c() set.
    # use != for not equal
    # filter() can also with math operations
    # eg: only keep records where math operation is satisfied (in col named ph, keep rows whose values s larger than 7)
    lake_data_filtered = lake_data %>% filter(ph > 7)	
    lake_data_filtered = lake_data %>% filter(age_data=`recent`)
    # use %in% operator
    # eg, filter (ie show) rows where lake (name) is Alligator or  Blue Cypress:
    #                               VVV--- c() is the concatenate function in R to create a list.
    lake_data %>% filter(lakes %in%  c("Alligator", "Blue Cypress")  ) 
    mySet = c("Alligator", "Blue Cypress")        
    lake_data %>% filter( lakes %in%  mySet )    # pre-define the set to look for %in% to make it more readable/compact
    # multiple filters at once, comma or & separated:
    lake_data %>% filter(ph > 6 , chlorophyll > 30)
    lake_data %>% filter(ph > 6 & chlorophyll > 30)
    #                          ^^^--- use of & is optional, comma also implied to be an AND operation
    lake_data %>% filter(ph > 6 | chlorophyll > 30)
    #                          ^^^--- vertical bar is an OR operation
    # group_by() and summarize() can create new summary tables with aggregate data
    # note fn name is summarize, summary() does a very different thing!
    # mean() and sd() calculates the mean (average) and standard deviation of variables.
    lake_data %>% 
      group_by(age_data) %>% 
      summarize(mean_ph = mean(ph))
    # eg multiple summary operations
    lake_data %>% 
      group_by(age_data) %>% 
      summarize(mean_ph               = mean(ph),
                standard_deviation_ph = sd(ph),
    	    length                = length(ph) )   # this count number of item in the group  # wk11 reader p8
    length()    	# length( any_col_name ) to get number of rows, typically can provide count for sample size n.
    length(df[[1]]) # eg count col 1 of any data frame to get num of rows in the df.
    nrow( nhanes %>% filter( hs=='No' )   # this count number of rows, only those where hs=no.  ## Lab09wk12
    # group_by + summarize create a new df, so many of the original col would not be present
    # but can add the list of col to keep
    # (there doesn't seems to be a KeepOrigCol=TRUE option)
    df %>%
      group_by( oshpd_id, year ) %>%
      summarize( total_encounter = sum( count ),                                    # new calculated col
                 count, type, facility_name, corp_name, er_service_level_desc )   # (re)add col that is desired for final df

    Another group_by() example from PHW251 wk 6
    flights_mean_delay <- flights %>%
      group_by(carrier, month, .add = F) %>%
      summarize(count = n(), avg_delay = mean(arr_delay, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
      mutate(pct_of_max = avg_delay/max(avg_delay))
    Reference material:
    - [15 min intro to dplyr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aywFompr1F4)
    - [Data wrangling cheat sheet](https://www.rstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/data-wrangling-cheatsheet.pdf)

    Lecture 3: Visualizing/plotting data

     - Visualization of categorical data: use `ggplot`'s `geom_bar()`
     - Visualization of continuous  data: use `ggplot`'s `geom_histogram()`
    1. 'ggplot' to set up a canvas for graphics
    2. `geom_bar(stat = "identity")` to make a bar chart when you specify the y variable
    3. `geom_histogram()` to make a histogram for which ggplot needs to calculate the count
         - use bidwidth=N to agregate a range of values into single bar
         - use xlim( low,high ) to limit x-axis values (useful to remove outliers from graph)
    4. `fct_reorder(var1, var2)` to reorder a categorical variable (`var1`) by a numeric variable (`var2`)
        - from the `forcats` package  # stat142 Lect 5 
    4a.`fct_relevel( apgar5Cat, "Low", "Med")` to reorder a categorical variable by hand  # stat142 Lect 7, Prj 3
    5. `geom_point()` to make a plot with dots  (2 continuous var scatter plots also use this, but can also have categorical data)
       `geom_count()` similar, but a legend with dot size indicating n/count
    6. `geom_line()` to make a plot with lines
    7. `geom_boxplot()` to make a box and whisker plot  (one categorical var, another continuous)
    8. `geom_jitter(width=.1)` to add points with jittering to boxplot
    Typical ggplot layers use cases (PHW251)
    2 categorical:
    - geom_count()
    - geom_tile()
    1 categorical, 1 continuous:
    - geom_freqpoly()
    - geom_boxplot()
    - geom_bar()        x-axis have discrete categories, thus have position= dodge, stack
    1 continuous:
    - geom_point()
    2 continuous:
    - geom_histogram 
    - hist(df$xAxisVar)          # quicky alt to geom_histogram 
    histogram vs bar graph: 
    histogram for freq dist ... possibly could use  xy scatter plot, or line graph.
    bar graph for discrete/categorical var.  have space between bars.
    color() # return the color name that R has "build-in"
    id_data = read_csv("Ch01_ID-data.csv")
    ggplot(id_data, aes(x = disease, y = percent_cases)) 	+   # aes specify axis
      geom_bar(stat = "identity")   +                           # geom_bar specify plotting bar chart
      labs(y = "Percent", x = "")   +                           # label the axis
      theme_minimal(base_size = 15)                             # font size for labels
    fct_reorder()                    # order disease by decreasing percentage -- library(forcats) ?
    aes( fill=type )                 # aes in geom_bar: color bar graph according to disease type (one of the col in data table)
    theme(legend.position = "top")   # add legends of color vs types at top of plot
    id_data = id_data %>% 
      mutate(disease_ordered = fct_reorder(disease,             percent_cases, .desc = T))
    #        ^^new_col_name^               ^^what to rearrange  ^^order by this field/col.
    # used in group project part 3
    cord_clamp_song_ext = na.omit(song) %>%
      mutate(  apgar5Cat  =   case_when(       apgar5==0  ~ "Low" ,
                                               apgar5==6  ~ "Low" ,
                                               apgar5==7  ~ "Med" ,
                                               apgar5==9  ~ "High" 
                                               ) ) %>%
      mutate( apgar5Cat = fct_relevel( apgar5Cat, "Low", "Med", "High" ))
    ggplot(id_data, aes(x = disease_ordered, y = percent_cases)) + 
      geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(fill = type)) +
      labs(y = "Percent", x = "")      +
      theme_minimal(base_size = 15)    +
      theme(legend.position = "top")
    eg3, geom_histogram()
    - Histograms look a lot like bar charts, except that the bars touch because the 
    underlying scale is continuous and the order of the bars matters
    - In order to make a histogram, the underlying data needs to be **binned** into 
    categories and the number or percent of data in each category becomes the height 
    of each bar. 
    - the **bins** devide the entire range of data into a series of intervals and counts
    the number of observations in each interval
    - the intervals must be consecutive and non-overlapping and are almost always chosen to be of equal size
    geom_point() produces an x-y sequence of points (but not connected by line).  
    kinda like a x-y scatter plot, but seems like 1 value per x entry.
    geom_line() is like geom_point(), but draws a continuous line instead of a series of points.
    ### Lab 2
    ### df CS_data_raw is reassigned to itself!  
    ### so think of this as appending column to existing df.
    ### fct_relevel affects plot output (ordering of categories), but does NOT change the data in the source table (df)
    CS_data_raw <- CS_data_raw %>% 
      mutate(Income_Group_order = forcats::fct_relevel(Income_Group, "Low income", 
                                                  "Lower middle income", "Upper middle income", 
                                                  "High income: nonOECD", "High income: OECD"))
    ### df CS_data_raw is reassigned to itself!
    ### so think of this as appending column to existing df.
    ### mutate end up adding new column,  named Income_Group_order
    ### new col created using forcats::fct_relevel()
    ### if one do:
    ### it shows that the new column store "Factor" types data, albeit View() doesn't show any difference
    ### Income_Group_order: Factor w/ 5 levels "Low income","Lower middle income
    Factor as variable type to store categorical data, 
    so that it is sortable.
    CS_data %>% pull(Income_Group_order) %>% levels()
    lab02 p6 eg:
    ggplot(CS_data, aes(x=Income_Group)) + geom_bar()
      ### geom_bar() is the implicit y-axis,
      ### here didn't specify stats="identity", so it counted the x axis var (Income_Group)
      ### use x=Income_Group_order to use the Factor var.  
    p14 = ggplot(CS_data, aes(x=GDP_2006)) + geom_histogram( binwidth=8000)
    p14 = p14 + facet_wrap( ~ Income_Group_order )  # facet_wrap create a series of panel to ggplot, one per each variable entry in the  "~ var_class" Income_Group_order   ### hw02
    ggsave( "lab02_cs_plot.png", plot = last_plot())   # save plot to file
    ## hw02
    ### add a vertical line to indicate median.  lty=1 is solid line, 2 is dashed line, 3 is dotted.
    geom_vline(aes(xintercept = median(GDP_2006)),  lty=2)
    ## more to explore
    geom_violin()  # see https://www.sscc.wisc.edu/sscc/pubs/dvr/two-variables.html

    Lecture 4/HW02

    ### manually calculate (Min, Q1, Median, Q3, Max)
    ### (Note that R's calc method is very slightly different than textbook, unless add "type=2" as option to quantile() )
    ### and add them as yintercept line to a boxplot
    ### most R stat fn has na.rm=F as default, which is not to drop empty value/cell, but may return an error about NaN when it hit such cell
    Min = min(CS_data$CS_rate_100, na.rm=T)
    Q1 = quantile(CS_data$CS_rate_100, probs = 0.25)
    Median = median(CS_data$CS_rate_100)
    Q3 = quantile(CS_data$CS_rate_100, probs = 0.75)
    Max = max(CS_data$CS_rate_100)
    Outliers: any data point more than 1.5*IQR away from median.
    IQR: InterQuartile Range: Q1-Median or Q3-Median
    five_num_summary = CS_data %>% summarize( min = Min,
                                              Q1 = Q1,
                                              median = Median,
                                              Q3 = Q3,
                                              max = Max)
    fns2 = five_num_summary
    p14b =  ggplot(data = CS_data, aes(y = CS_rate_100)) +
              geom_boxplot(col = 'black', fill = 'sienna2') +
              theme_minimal() + 
              geom_hline(aes(yintercept = fns2$min), col = 'green') +
              geom_hline(aes(yintercept = fns2$Q1), col = 'green') +
              geom_hline(aes(yintercept = fns2$median), col = 'green') +
              geom_hline(aes(yintercept = fns2$Q3),     col = 'green') +
              geom_hline(aes(yintercept = fns2$max),    col = 'green') 

    Lecture 6

    ## read data from excel spreadsheet:
    spending_dat = read_xlsx("country-spending.xlsx", sheet = 2, range = "A7:D47" )
    library(tidyverse)  # provides tidy
    library(dplyr)      # provides %>%
    ## back ticks must be used when variable name has space in them
    ## thus use rename() to change the variable name (column heading)
    spending_dat = spending_dat %>%
    rename(country_code = Country.code,
           health_expenditure = `Health expenditure per capita`, # back ticks
           GDP = `GDP per capita`) # back ticks must be used when variable name has space in them
    # new_name =  old_col_name
    tidy(data_table)		# fit data per tidyverse convention?
    lin_model =  lm ( y ~ x ) 	# lm() is linear regression fit model, for y ~ x (x is predictor)
    glance( lin_model )		# provide data like r^2, etc
    cor( x, y ) 			# Pearson's correlation = r // xref correlation-squared aka r^2, r2, r-squared [wk02 L05 slide 51]
    				# x and y are column names of table/dataframe, thus use inside summarize()
    mana_cor = mana_data %>% summarize(corr_mana = cor(powerboats, deaths))
    # ? correlation vs R^2 ??    
    # correlation is r, but calc often return r^2 (R-squared) ## slide 25
    # so would need sqrt() if ask for correlation r  
    # r^2 value, when *100%, represent the % of correlation for the data points.  R^2 of 0.92 means 92% correlated.
    # wk03 L06 slide 13
    # correlation r is related to slope b.  In linear model y = a + bx, b aka beta, in algebra often as m
    # b = r( Sy/Sx )
    # r is the correlation variable
    # pull( r.squared ) returns r^2, so take sqrt() to get r
    glance( lin_model ) %>% pull( r.squared )  	# this return the r^2 value.  # slide 25
    # is pull() like awk, grabbing column from data.frame?  ++ ??   select() pick columns from list (those with named entries)
    # pull() is from dplyr.  returns a vector (the same str as one returned by concat cmd c() )
    geom_abline() add the fitting/trend line.   it need intercept and slope)
    geom_abline(intercept = b, slope = m)
    geom_abline( -46.75, 0.1358)
    geom_text_repel()	# repel text, ie, don't render them with overlap. 	# slide 46
    m = linear_model$coefficients[2]   # slope  (it is a "named number" in R)
    m = linear_model$coefficients[[2]] # slope ( [[]] returns a number )
    b = linear_model$coefficients[[1]] # intercept
    geom_smooth( method="lm", se=FALSE)  # R automatic way to have trend line from lm()  ## Lab10 wk13
    geom_abline( slope=0, intercept=mean(boston2$medv), col="red" )  # horizontal line indicating mean value
    # stuff about prediction in p28, review++
    ## scatter plot: geom_point()
    mana_death1 = ggplot(mana_data, aes(x = powerboats, y = deaths)) +
      geom_point() +
      theme_minimal(base_size = 15)
    ## + line plot
    tmp1 = ggplot(CS_data, aes( x=CS_rate_100, y=GDP_2006) ) + geom_point() +  geom_line() 
    tmp2 = tmp1 + geom_smooth()  # add smooth line best curve fit
    # next, colour the points by income_group
    # note that the aes() is placed inside geom_point         -----------VVVVVVV
    tmp6  = ggplot(CS_data_log, aes( y=log_CS, x=log_GDP) ) + geom_point(    aes(col=Income_Group) )   + geom_smooth() 
    ugly6 = ggplot(CS_data_log, aes( y=log_CS, x=log_GDP) ) + geom_point() + aes(col=Income_Group)     + geom_smooth() 
    # if aes of coloring by income_group is tackled onto the parent plot object, it would make geom_smooth() interrupted by Income_Group rather than span across these categories, as seen in ugly6 above

    Lecture 7

    lecture topic summary:
    1. geom_bar(aes(col = var), stat = "identity", position = "dodge")
    2. geom_bar(aes(col = var), stat = "identity", position = "stack")
         fct_relevel() to reorder grouping w/in bar charts
    3. Marginal vs conditional distributions
         Margins are the row and col totals
         conditional distribution is conditional probabilities, eg P(LungCancer|Smoker), 
         	look at row value and totals only, eg A/(A+B)
    	rather than whole 2x2 table.
    	English + Math interpretation should make sense.
    4. Simpson’s Paradox
    # slide 14, some crazy multiple ~ operator thing
    two_way_data <- tribble(~ smoking, ~ lung_cancer, ~ percent, ~number,
    "smoker", "lung cancer", 4.8, 12,
    "smoker", "no lung cancer", 95.2,238)

    Lecture 8

    # SRS = Simple Random Sample, slide 33, 38
    set.seed(123)    # make future run repeatable
    CS_100_1 = CS_data %>% smaple_n(100)        # pick n=100 rnd sample from data source
    CS_100_1 = CS_data %>%  sample_frac(0.05)   # do 5% rather than static n size
    # Proprtionate Stratified Sampling , slide 40
    # group them , then sample, this provide stratum equal size proportions (eg for epi group randomized study)
    CS_10percent_grouped <- CS_data %>%
      group_by(HOSP_BEDSIZE) %>%
    CS_10percent_grouped%>%group_by(HOSP_BEDSIZE) %>% tally()   
    ## tally() can be used to do counts!   like SQL count(*) 
    ## there is also a count() fn, it it is much pickier than tally().  the following does work:
    CS_10percent_grouped%>%group_by(HOSP_BEDSIZE) %>% count()   
    Q9df = read.csv("c:/Users/tin61/tin-gh/inet-dev-class/r_stat142/exam/simpleDF.csv")
    Q9df %>% filter(status=="True") %>% group_by(zip) %>% tally()


    case_when() eg, also note use of ~ :
    insure_data = insure_data %>%
      mutate(bmi_cat = case_when(bmi < 16 ~ "Underweight",
                                 bmi >= 16 & bmi < 25 ~ "Normal",
                                 bmi >= 25 & bmi < 30 ~ "Overweight",
                                 bmi >= 30 ~ "Obese"                   )  )
    types of variables in stat:
    - 'ordinal'
    - 'nominal'
    - 'continuous'	# measured
    - 'discrete'	# counting
    Note that integers are considered discrete!  thus num_of_child "int" is discrete
    continuous is only for floats
    p11 = ggplot(insure_subset, aes(x=age,y=charges)) + geom_point() +
      labs(title="age vs insurance charges for smoker with normal bmi")
    p16 = p11 + geom_abline(intercept=b,slope=m)
    p20 = p16 + geom_abline(intercept=new_b,slope=new_m,lty=2,col="red")
    # lty=2 means use dashed line
    insure_model = lm(charges ~ age, data=insure_subset)    
    paused in line 387 ++FIXME++

    Lecture 11-13 - Probability (week 5, post Midterm 1)

    dplyr::sample_n( tbl=cold_data, size=5 )    # reader p24
    geom_density    # reader p50  like smothened histogram.
    ## Lab04 ?    HW04 
    round( 123.4567, digits=1 )   # round to 1 decimal place
    janitor.tibyl    # tabulate
    # lab04 video ~[19:00]
    # Try using uncount() and tabyl() here!
    chd_dat_exp = chd_dat %>% uncount(n)     # n is the col for number of individual  uncount()expands to individual row, end up with long table!
    chd_dat_exp %>%
      tabyl(Smoking, CHD,  Age) %>%
            ^^rows   ^col  ^stratified tables
    eg output:
    $old            #CHD=        #CHD=
     Smoking           no          yes
      +->  no 70.00% (490) 30.00% (210) <-- cell b: smoke=no,CHD=yes (age=old)
      \-> yes 40.00% (120) 60.00% (180)
              cell c is smoke=ye
    chd_dat_exp %>% janitor::tabyl(Smoking, CHD, Age) %>%
      janitor::adorn_percentages("row") %>%
      janitor::adorn_pct_formatting(digits=2) %>%
      janitor::adorn_ns()    # give n values in parenthesis

    Lecture 14 - Normal Distribution (week 6)

  • rnorm(n = 100, mean = 2, sd = 0.4), to generate Normally distributed data from the specified distribution
  • pnorm(q = 1.2, mean = 0, sd = 2), to calculate the cumulative probability below a given value
  • qnorm(p = 0.75, mean = 0, sd = 1) to calculate the x-value for which some percent of the data lies below it
  • stat_qq() and stat_qq_line() to make a QQplot. Notice that aes(sample = var1) is neede
  • dbinom(x=3, size=10,prob=0.29) binomial, exactly X=x [Lect 15 slide 39]
  • pbinom(k=3, size=10,prob=0.29) binomial, CUMULATIVE prob, X <= k. [Lect 16 slide 35]
    dbinom(#success,size,prob of success)
    dbinom is referred as discrte prob of binomial, (it is not the density fn as when applied to normal dist?)
  • sim_01 = rbinom(n=200,size=1,prob=0.3030) # think of the rbinom as "200 choose 1, with prob of 30.30%" but not quite?
  • pois = poisson dist, similar to binomial, but no upper bound. typically for rare events, eg Infect Disease. [Lec 17 wk7]
  • dpois(x=?, lambda=?) discrete prob, when x=exact number. lambda (aka mu, ie average) is the sole param in poisson.
  • ppois(x=?, lambda=?) continuous prob, for x up to value specified. up to and including. X<=k **if do lower.tail=FALSE then decrement k by 1 to properly account for the discrete unit change. [Lect 17 slide 18]. eg: 1-ppois(q=3,lambda=0.1) # ans: [1] 3.846834e-06
  • r____(n=?, param) : r-class is always for generating random number of entries for simulation, according to parameters necessary for the stat dist (so Normal vs Binom vs Poisson would take different number of params).

  • Finding Normal *Probabilities* - pnorm
    calc probability using pnorm( q=x ) given specific value of x
    pnorm( q=x, mean=0, sd=1, lower.tail=T )  # last 3 params are defaults in R
    mean is value on x-axis where peak of curve is
    sd, standard deviation, is reflected on how tall and fat the curve of the CDF is.
    pnorm( q=x,    mean=m. sd=sigma)  : provide q as input, get probability as output, which is AUC up to the cut off point q=x)
    	x is a cut off point, up to this value.  area on left is the probility (CDF)
    	eg P( x<1.2)  --->  prob with x as cut off at 1.2.  in r is:
    	pnorm( q=1.2 ) # default mean=0, sd=1
    	the result is the AUC up to the cut off point q of x=1.2.  # slide 35
    Finding Normal *Percentiles* - qnorm
    Finding Normal Prob is calc probability using pnorm( q=x ) given specific value of x
    Here is the inverse:
    Given the probability, find the corresponding x-value.
    qnorm() is the function for this task.
    (slide 43)
    the percentile given is the area under the curve, thus:
    qnorm( p=area, mean=mu, sd=sigma)  : provide p as input, get q as output, which is on the x axis .  
    eg, given a N(mu,sigma), want to know the 75%, what x value that corresponds to.  qnorm(0.75) provides the answer.
    Standard Normal and z-score
    (slide 48)
  • The standard Normal distribution N(0,1) has µ = 0 and σ = 1.
  • X ∼ N(0, 1), implies that the random variable X is Normally distributed.
  • Conversion: z = ( x - mu ) / sigma
  • This standardized value is called the z-score
  • Interpretation: z is the number of standard deviations that x is above or below the mean of the data.
    Simulating Normally distributed data in R
    (slide 55) (line 404 of su21/l12-code.Rmd)
    rnorm( )  # generate an array with rnd data that is normally distributed
              # optionally add mean and standard deviation (else result in std normal set)
    runif(n=1,min=0,max=1)  # rnd number with uniform dist, this is what most programming lang urand number generates ? 
    heights.women = rnorm(n = 1000, mean = 64.5, sd = 2.5)  # return array of 1000 elements, with mean and sd as indicated
    heights.women = data.frame(heights.women)    # convert array to dataframe  (unlike unix, the var will be reassigned correctly, not overwritten and lost as with `cat > foo`
    ```{r plot heights, out.width="80%", echo=F, warning=F, message=F}
    # create a histogram using data generated by rnorm() ::
    hist = ggplot(heights.women, aes(x = heights.women)) + geom_histogram(col = "white") + theme_minimal(base_size = 15) 
    # density plot
    dens = ggplot(heights.women, aes(x = heights.women)) + 
      geom_density()  +                                                                       # density fn line plot for df heights.women
      stat_function(fun = dnorm, args = c(mean = 64.5, sd = 2.5), col = "forest green")  +    # add a green line for what is the expected distribution supposed to look like (dnorm=?density normal dist?) 
     theme_minimal(base_size = 15)
    hist + dens + plot_layout()
    plot_layout affect how multiple ggplots are displayed, was to control num of cols and rows when there are many plots.
    # this does conversion to z-score t comform to stadard normal  
    # ie, the z-score is calculated using manual formula (There might be build-in R fn, but not presented for class)
    heights.women = heights.women %>% mutate(mean = mean(heights.women), 
                                              sd = sd(heights.women), 
                                              z = (heights.women - mean)/sd)

    Lecture 15

      - Introduce the binomial distribution
      - What kinds of outcomes follow a binomial
      - Understanding the probability space for a binomial
      - What is the theoretical distribution for binomials 
      - discuss exact vs. cummulative probabilities for the binomial 
      - introduce some R code for binomial distributions
      - choose(n,k) is the R fn for C(n,k) aka "n choose k"
    QQplot ...
    quantile-quantile plot
    quantile = row_number() / n()
    z_score = qnorm(quantile, mean=m,sd=sigma)
    R can do the qq plot automatically, instead of doing the manual calc with z-score and stuff.
    counts = c(18, 4, 22, 15, 18, 19, 22, 12, 12)     # number of trees in 9 plots as vector
    tree_data = data.frame(counts)                    # convert to df, as that's what ggplot (?stat_qq) needs
    ggplot(tree_data, aes(sample=counts)) + stat_qq() + stat_qq_line()   # L15 slide 10, hw05 wk07
    Gaussian  == Normal
    Bernoulli == Binomial
    params for normal: 
    	mean, std dev
    params for binomial, these 2 params are enough to tell shape of the distribution graph: 
      1. number of trials, number of samples to pick.  eg n=10 for sampling 10 bottles.  size param in R dbinom/pbinom
      2. prob of success  (ie, how frequent get yes, head, true, contaminated by benzene, etc)
    Binomial need independent outcomes.  sample picking must be from a large batch, pop size >> sample size.  at least 20x was good?
    Also needed for calculations:
      * k, like "n choose k", k is the number of success being sought for (eg k = 3 bottles contaminated by benzene)
    dbinom(k,n,p)   X=x   exact, (k is standin for x, fuzzy when to use which)
    pbinom(k,n,p)   X<=k  cumulative, up to 
    dbinom(x=3, size=10,prob=0.29) binomial, DISCRETE prob,    X=x exactly. param name is x in R [Lect 15 slide 39]
    pbinom(q=3, size=10,prob=0.29) binomial, CUMULATIVE prob,  X<=k.        param name is q in R [Lect 16 slide 35] 
    can still calculate:
    mean: mu = n*p
    std dev: sigma = sqrt( n*p*(1-p) )
    # rep() = replicate elements of Vectors and Lists
    # sequentially placed, ie NOT randomized placement
    c(rep(0,4),rep(1,2)) # get [1] 0 0 0 0 1 1   
    slide 41, [~35:20]   su21:l13-code.rmd line 330
    simulate data... pop size of 10,000 containers , 10% contaminated
    container.id = 1:10000
    benzene = c( rep(0,9000), rep(1, 1000) )     # this create sequence of 9000 zeros/failure and 1000 ones/success , ie NOT random!
    pop_data = data.frame(container.id, benzene)
    # below are code to create the simulation, creating a hypothetical data set and seeing the distribution stat.
    # provide whole pop stat: num of contaminated w/ benzene, average (ie %contamination)
    # part of the trick here depends on success = 1
    # this overall is just to say that the artificially created sample fits the desired probability
    # they were not in random order, it is fine, cuz sample_n() will pick randomly.
    pop_stats  = pop_data %>% summarize( pop_num_success = sum(benzene), pop_mean = mean(benzene) )
    # draw a sample of 10 and see which one is contaminated with beneze (ie success in this framework)
    sample_dat = pop_data %>% sample_n(10)  
    head(many.sample.stats) ##??
    ## pop is 20x larger than sample size, then generally considered selection not affecting the next outcome, cuz it is a tiny diff, won't affect conclusion.
    # this seems to be what HW04 was asking for.
    X big x is 
    little x ... 
    P(X=x)  number of success equal to some value...
    (R quirkyness, though undertandable if understand the underneath mechanics)
        these two are slightly different
    output_01 = sim_01 %>% as.data.frame() 
    output_01 =            as.data.frame(sim_01) 
        as.data.frame() with "piped input" don't get a name of the source variable
        and as a result, subsequent rename will not find it.
        thus, only the latter of the next two line works:
    output_01 = sim_01 %>% as.data.frame()       %>% rename(birth_defect = sim_01)   # rename fails!
    output_01 =            as.data.frame(sim_01) %>% rename(birth_defect = sim_01)   # rename works
    myDF = myTibble %>% data.frame()	# convert tibble to df
    ascii diagram , ascii arts =P
    template tree diagram for bayes in ascii, potential paste for lab or exam:
    ref: Lect 13 wk5 reader p131
    study (pop) = medicare enrolled heavy smokers
             /-- T+
         /   \-- T-
         \    /---- T+
              \---- T-
    HIV status:
             /-- Test+     0.9985
         /   \-- Test-     0.0015
         \    /---- Test+  0.0060
              \---- Test-  0.9940 
    lecture example:
    first layer for disease state D+/D-
    second layer for test result  T+/T-
    Rmd ascii 2x2 contingency table:
          |--response vars-|
    2x2   | D+       | D-  | margin |
    T+    |   26.7   | 67.9|  94.6  |
    T-    |    3.3   |902.1| 905.4  |
    margin|   30     |970  |1000    |
    explanatory input, 
    researcher controlled vars
    |            |   Diease     | Disease     | (Margin)     |
    |            |   True +     |  True -     |  Sum         |
    | test +     |        TP    |    FP       | denom of PPV |
    | test -     |        FN    |    TN       | denom of PPN |
    | sum        | denom of Se  | denom of Sp | pop tot      |

    Lecture 17: Poisson Dist

  • pois = poisson dist, similar to binomial, but no upper bound. typically for rare events, eg Infect Disease. [Lec 17 wk7]
  • dpois(x=?, lambda=?) discrete prob, when x=exact number. lambda (aka mu, ie average) is the sole param in poisson.
  • ppois(q=?, lambda=?) continuous prob, for x up to value specified. up to and including. X≤k **if do lower.tail=FALSE then decrement k by 1 to properly account for the discrete unit change. [Lect 17 slide 18]. eg: 1-ppois(q=3,lambda=0.1) # ans: [1] 3.846834e-06
  • simulation  for 5 years  see reader page 50
    rpois( n=12*5, lambda=0.536 )
    vs manual simulation
    polydactyly=(rpois(n = 12*5, lambda = 0.536))
    mean(polydactyly)  # 0.45,       randomness and small sample made our number differ from theoretical of 1/500*268 = 0.536  [27:45]
    sd(polydacttyly)   # 0.64
    when to use poisson vs binomial...
    mean of binomial outcome 
    how many success of failure from larger size (poisson).
    (hmm... fuzzy... real diff i hear is that binom has a cap, a finite size, vs poisson is infinite)


    # test and install a package as needed
    if (!require("MASS")){
    # unload functions loaded by package MASS (as they clobber with fn of same name from dplyr):
    detach("package:MASS", unload = T)		
    # binomial sample data generation, individually create each sample point
    # lab06 line 280
    # This is just the range of values x can take
    x_vals = 0:812
    # This generates the probabilities
    probs = dbinom(0:812, size = 812, prob = 0.27)
    # This combines the range of values with the probabilities as a dataframe with 2 columns: x_vals and probs.
    # View(obs_data) in your console to see what this dataframe looks like
    obs_data = as.data.frame(cbind(x_vals, probs))

    Lecture 24: T and paired T test

    [wk 9 reader p20]
    for t-distribution (dist of t-scores?)
    very much like pnorm and qnorm.
    pt(q = , df = , lower.tail = ) 
    qt(p = , df = , lower.tail = )
    [ wk 11 reader p 50 - Lect 24 (Topic 1, video 2, toward the end of the video)   ]
    coding notes
    A one sample t- test will take the form:
    t.test(x = x_variable, alternative = greater, less or two.sided, mu = null_hypothesis_value)
    A two sample t-test will take the form:
    t.test(first_sample_data, second_sample_data, alternative = greater, less or two.sided)
    	t.test( df$col1   ~ df$col2 , alternative="two.sided") # 2 vars, independent # w11 reader p11
    	t.test( df$wegith ~ df$sex  , alternative="two.sided") # note use of ~ and 2nd var would have been the group_by filter
    A paired t-test will take the form:
    t_stat = t.test(first_data_points, second_data_points, alternative = greater, less or two.sided, paired=TRUE)
    t_stat$statistics # contain the actual t-score
    t_stat$p.value    # contain the p-value

    Lecture 25: ANOVA: Comparing 3 or more means

    First mostly about visualizing multi column data (eg think multiple treatment method being teest for cancer, some are combination of treatments). Background, how are 3 groups of data need to be structured for comparison
    grp1 = rnorm( n=2, mean=15, sd=3 )   # # each rnorm() produce a vector as a result
    grp2 = rnorm( n=2, mean=15, sd=3 )
    egSame = data.frame( grp1, grp2 ) 
    # construct dataframe, each vector becomes a column, which also insert the original variable name as column heading!!
    # output looks like this
          grp1     grp2
    1 19.07604 16.16301
    2 14.69164 14.83858
    egSameNarrow = egSame %>% gather( key="Grp", value="Measure", grp1:grp2 )
    # gather() is interesting…  it produced a new data.frame() with a pivoted arrangement of the data, maybe formatting it into the tidyverse way.
    # the main cells of the data.frame() becomes the value part, which  gather() also give a header
    # the "key" is the first col, which get the value from the header of the original data.frame() cols
    # output looks like this
       Grp  Measure
    1 grp1 19.07604
    2 grp1 14.69164
    3 grp2 16.16301
    4 grp2 14.83858
    # ah, so geom_point would be xy scatter plot when fed with continuous variables on both axis
    # but when one var is categorical, it produce the data points of a box plot, w/o the box
    ggplot(egSameNarrow, aes(x = Grp, y = Measure)) + geom_point()
    + geom_boxplot()    # to get box, add geom_boxplot()   // order matter, last one is top layer
    # density plot in [wk11 reader p80]
    ggplot(egSameNarrow, aes(x = Measure))  + geom_density(aes(fill=Grp), alpha=0.4)
    # Lecture 26: ANOVA Part 2.  (Su21 L20 Line 510)
    ggplot(egSameNarrow, aes(x = Grp, y = Measure)) +
      geom_jitter(pch = 4, width = 0.1)                            # like geom_point, but wiggle points randomly within "width" so points can be seen when they overlap
    ggplot(cancer_data, aes(x = trt_order, y = tumor_volume)) +
      geom_jitter(pch = 4, width = 0.1)                            # like geom_point, but wiggle points randomly within "width" so points can be seen when they overlap
    # pch ???
    ANOVA test:
    library(broom)   # wk12 reader p12
    cancer_anova = aov(formula = tumor_volume ~ treatment, data = cancer_data)
    # for aov(), the var after ~ is column containing the grouping.
    		cancer_data data.frame looks like this
    		     treatment          tumor_volume
    		1  Irradiation           30
    		2  Irradiation           46
    		5 Cannabinoids           12
    		row number added by R
    pf() would find the p-value, but aov() already provides it, so maybe seldom need to call this explicitly?
    after finding stat sig anova, need to run multiple pairwise t-test, or use TukeyHSD() wrapper, wk12 p29
    Bonferroni Correction wk12 p22
    diffs = TukeyHSD( cancer_anova, conf.level=0.05, )  %>% tidy()
    diffs %>% select(contrast, adj.p.value)		# select() pick columns from list (with named col),  vs pull(), for data.frame ? 
    TukeyHSD() provides an adj p.value, correcting for multiple tests.  this adj prevent it from use in CI.  [wk12 reader 31]
    Bonferroni vs TukeyHSD produce slightly different result.  [wk12 p33]

    Lecture 27: non parametrics



    # maybe move...
    library(MASS)           # load it to import the data set
    detach(package:MASS)	# remove the select() fn which would conflict with dplyr 

    Constructing 2x2 or RxC contingency table using tibble, chi-squared test

                  Exposure+        Exposure-       ←- explanatory var as input
    |Group        | Sandwich     | No Sandwich   | Row total |
    |Ill          | 109          |  4            | 113       |
    |Not Ill      | 116          | 34            | 150       |
    |Column total | 225          | 38            | 263       |
    D+ vs D-
    (this is a more unusual layout of 2x2... )
    # the library it tibble, but the contruction fn is "tribble"
    two_way = tribble(~ sandwich, ~ nosandwich,
                         109,        4,   #row for Illness
                         116,        34)  #row for no Illness
    chisq.test(two_way, correct = F) # correct = F means not using Yates' correction for continuity, so that it can match calc "by hand".

    Stat 241

    c(1,2,3) %>% sample(1)   # take 1 sample out of source set (left of %>%).  it is a rnd fn.
    # set difference, too bad there isn't a binary operator for more natural syntax
    # below is setD = setUniv - setB 
    setUniv = c( "apple", "banana", "cambur" )
    setB = c( "cambur" )
    setD = setUniv %>% setdiff( setB )    
    as.integer( T )   # 1
    as.integer( F )   # 0
    as.character( 404 )  # get text "404" ... so alt to sprintf() 

    color names

    Named colors, cuz not everyone want to be digital artist and render hex code in their brain :P
    Maybe only recognized in R? would be nice if it works for Python and/or HTML as well.
    Hopefully not library specific, eg plot_ly.
    The newer Rstudio will parse color names and create box color for them, very neat!
    color name	compatibility	approx hex code
    -----------	-------------	---------------
    red		r,p?,h?		0xFF0000 ?
    green		r,p?,h?		0x00FF00 ?
    blue		r,p?,h?		0x0000ff ?
    darkorange	r
    darkcyan	r
    darklateblue	r
    Recommended color scheme for accessibility

    About me!

    My name is Gigo. My mom gave me this name cuz it is her favorite, she conceived the Garbage Out, but she reminds my dad that the important thing was the Garbage In.
    I was born on the moon during the great colonization. More on my on my other pages. Yes, YOU need those page clicks to rack up more influence points.

    ascii/unicode symbols and LaTeX

    for easy cut-n-paste. may have to learn latex for GIS 272a !
    ↑ ↓ ← →   arrows up down left right
    « » 
    ⟨ ⟩ ‹ ›   angle brackets not parsed by HTML code, but may create confusion with cut-n-paste .  
              useful to replace R› prompt
    • bullet
    · middle dot 
    ◆ diamond
    better bullet for table▶yes?
    ▶  ▶
    ☐     empty square box check box    🗹 ☒ ⮽  
    ◕  ◓  (for partially done) 
    √¯¯¯  sqrt
    ≈  \approx
    ≤  <=   \leq  combined less than equal to.  
    ≥  >=   \geq  useful when dont want to be parsed by HTML 
    ≠  !=   \neq  not equal, R Knit LaTeX barf at this symbol :-\
    ¬    not negate         GrAlt \ 
    ×    multiply           GrAlt +  ¬¬
    ÷    divide
    Ø    \emptyset
    ∞    \infty    infiinity
    ∪    \cup         set union         in A OR  B
    ∩    \cap         set intersection  in A AND B
    ⊂    \subset     proper/strict subset  
    ⊆    \subseteq   (not strict)				A <= B    # R library(sets), but may not be useful in practice   # rstFood>
    ⊃    \superset   proper/strict
    ⊇    \superseteq (not strict)
    ∈    \in 	is member of, belongs to, is an element of   	%e%
    ≡	identical to 	(triple bars for triple bond in chemistry) 
    ≣ 	strictly equivalent to	(four bars)
    ≙	estimate (hat is for estimate)
    ≗	ring equal to	(circle)
    ≛	equal dot  (questioned equal to)
    ≛	equal stars
    χ² - chi-squared
    σ² - sigma squared = variance
    σ  - sigma         = std dev
    μ  - \mu mean average
    ν  - \nu   (not displaying with right font? kinda cursive v)
    Γ  - Gamma (eg Distribution)
    Σ  - Sigma, summation
    Π  - Pi, products/multiplication
    π  - \pi
    τ  - \tau - tree
    λ - \lambda - eigenvalue, rate param for poisson
    Λ - Lambda - eigenvector
    ε - epsilon - erros, residuals
    Ε - Epsilon
    𝛉 - theta
    αβ∑Δ alpha beta ... delta
    αβκδεφγηξκλμνοπκρστύβωχυζ - lower case greek
    ∂   \partial    (derivative, not lower case delta)
    Ñ  alt 0209  spanish n
    ñ  alt 0241  mac: option + n, n
    ° zeroth :P degree ascii 176
    ¹ first
    ² square
    ³ cube
    ª primera
    º primero, degree
    ‰ per mill
    ♥ heart
    § section
    ¤ currency
    € Euro
    ¥ Yuan
    ¢ cent
    Ð Latin Eth
    Ñ ñ spanish n  GrAlt n
    Ç ç cedille portuguese c? GrAlt , ¿¡²³¤€¼½¾
    ‘’ matched quotes  GrAlt ( ) ¥×
    ¡ ¿ 
    ¶ pi new paragraph
    π \pi
    ⊢ proves, implies
    ∫ integral
    ∃∄   exist
    ∀    for all
    †‡ dart
    ⨁⊕  circle +
    ∥ parallel

    LaTeX stuff

    latex cheat sheet (cut-n-paste friendly) In R studio, need to enclose latex command inside $$ no spaces! eg
    $\Sigma$ for uppercase Sigma
    $\sigma$ for lowercase sigma
    command		description		example		Unicode, Note, etc
    ^		superscript		x^2
    _		subscript		x_0		so me writting ascii in this notation is good!
    \hat{}		Estimator		^θ
    \mathbb{R}	ℝ real number set	ℝ		U+211D Double Stroke Capital R
    \mathbb{N} ?	ℕ natural number set [1,2,...)	ℕ		U+2115 Double Stroke Capital N
    \mathbb{Z} ?	ℤ (-inf, +inf) whole num?   ℤ		U+2124 Double Stroke Capital Z
    \mathbb{C} ?	ℂ complex number set	ℂ		U+2102 Double Stroke Capital C  
    use {} to group items.  eg
    $a \over {b+c}$
    $e^{5x}$  (use ^ for superscript, latex use e, not exp)
    $a_1$     (use _ for subscript)
    $a_{10}$  (use _ for subscript, enclose number in {} when more than single digit)
    $a_1^2$   (can use both _ and ^ at the same time)
    ascii-code.com has an ascii table that is text based, can copy-n-paste, quite a bit of ads at top, but at least no pop ups

    "xah lee unicode easy search and paste circled numbers, lot of math symbols grouped together, very handy really! No ads, no cookies?
    ① - circled digit one (U+2460)
    ② U+2461 Circled Digit Two
    ⓿ ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ ⓫ ⓬ ⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱ ⓲ ⓳ ⓴
    ⓪ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳
    ⓵ ⓶ ⓷ ⓸ ⓹ ⓺ ⓻ ⓼ ⓽ ⓾
    ㊀ ㊁ ㊂ ㊃ ㊄ ㊅ ㊆ ㊇ ㊈ ㊉
    ◕ 3/4 circle, 
    ◓ 1/2 half circle
    ☐     empty square box check box    🗹 ☒ ⮽
    ⊥ inverse T   (independent)


    My other R notebooks:

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    Last Updated: 2022-08-24
    (cc) Tin Ho. See main page for copyright info.

    psg101 sn50 tin6150