Factory default password

This was not to aid crackers, but to tell sys admin to secure their boxen!

asus asmb6 ikvm 			admin/admin

supermicro SMC web kvm			ADMIN/ADMIN, 2020 new law in CA disallow default password.  see shipping label for 10 upper letter generated password or the service tab.

cisco topspin infiniband switch 	Super/super
dell iDRAC root/calvin

force 10 s-series: admin/(no password)   https://www.force10networks.com/CSPortal20/TechTips/0055_HowDoILoginToTheConsole.aspx

oracle   		system/manager

penguin computing   	root/Penguin

sun ALOM   admin/changeme    admin/admin1    admin/ last eight char of serial (upper case letters).

lenovo (MSA? iLo equiv) 	USERID/PASSW0RD  (zero instead of oh)    telnet/ssh/https on IPMI address

linksys/cisco  admin/admin 

grafana: admin/admin ?

osboxes.org VM images username:  osboxes  (and root?)   pass: osboxes.org  

[Doc URL: http://tin6150.github.io/psg/factory_pw.html]
(cc) Tin Ho. See main page for copyright info.
